A Father's Tears

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America was having a horrible day. This was before he introduced (M/N) to the other countries, and right now said people were, once more, making fun of him when he could hear them. Now, his anger at them was starting to get out of control.

"America you bloody idiot!"

"What a fucking loser!"

"I wonder if he's gotten fat yet."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" America screeched, finally snapping. Just as quickly, the entire meeting room was dead silent, shocked at America's outburst. Very slowly and menacingly, America walked over to England, his icy eyes never leaving England's own, except they were filled with shock. As soon as he was close enough, America swiped his hand across the older nation's face, creating a loud 'smack'.

"Now you repeat after me," America said slowly. "I am a disgrace to Britannia's name."

England looked more hurt and shocked. "W-What?"

"I am a disgrace to Britannia's name," America repeated, daring England to say something else. He wasn't surprised though when he did the opposite.

"I am a disgrace to Britannia's name," England said, defeated and hurt. America walked back to his seat, but not before glancing back at him with a hard glare.

"Britannia would be ashamed of you United Kingdom. I thought she raised you better than that," America commented harshly before he turned to China, who fidgeted under his gaze.

"For a nation who says we western countries are immature, you are only describing how you're acting Yao Wang," America began, his tone filled with poison. "Complaining about the debt at any chance you get, and yet, you fail to notice that your country has overpopulation, a failing economy, and...what was it...the Opium War?"

China choked on his own saliva.

"The only immature country I see here is you China," America spat. "Every single one of you is immature, for you take pleasure in other people's pain and suffering and you ignore what's right in front of you! And you Russia, have you become so old you've forgotten some of your past leaders killed your own people?" Upon Russia's jerk of shock, America said, "Thought so."

"I'm not going to tell the rest of you what your own flaws are, ones that you refuse to acknowledge to anyone for your obvious fear you'll be weak. I'm not going to waste my breath like I did with England, China, and Russia. You're not worth it." America stood to leave, pausing at the doorway. "Make fun of me again, and I will personally see to it that your countries and your people don't live to see another day."

He left, with everyone being too shaken and stunned to stop him.


(M/N) hated seeing his dad cry. The older man came home in tears, and (M/N) knew it had to do with his job. Alfred walked to his bedroom and closed it behind him, not bothering to lock it, allowing (M/N) to head in.

His dad was sitting on his bed, head in his hands, and tears quietly cascading down his wrists.

"Ah...?" (M/N) called, on the verge of tears himself. America glanced up to see his foster son at the door. He didn't say a word when the younger boy walked in, closed the door behind him, and sat on the bed beside his father. Awkwardly, (M/N) wrapped his arms around America's waist, and America wrapped his own around (M/N)'s frail body. From there, America began to sob, with (M/N) joining him not too long after.

After a while, America said, "I wish they were as loving and emphatic as you (M/N). Then they would see I don't enjoy acting like an idiot."

(M/N) nodded, hating the people who caused his father's tears.

Sorry I haven't updated, I'm really running out of ideas for this. Anyway, after reading so many depressed America stories, I wanted to see America snap at them and point out their flaws and how inconsiderate they are. There's a lot of things I hate, and one of them is the ignorant.
Also, this goes to show you how loyal (M/N) is to his foster father, and how emphatic people on the autism spectrum can be to others, especially those close to them.

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