Switching Genders

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Everyone didn't move or speak as they stared at the unconscious forms on the floor, right where the male America and (M/N) used to be.

Everyone would glance at England and back at the two people on the floor, who were so different from the male America and (M/N). Now, you may be wondering why they're being referred that way. It's simple really, the two of them aren't males anymore.

They're women.

England had gotten reckless with his magic again and transformed the father and son into the opposite gender, and now he doesn't know how to return them to normal.

The female America was shorter than her male counterpart, her curly hair reaching her chin and star-shaped hairpins holding back her bangs. She still wore the bomber jacket and gloves, but she didn't seem to know what the word "modesty" means, because she only wore a midriff top that even still wasn't doing the proper job of concealing her cleavage, a mini-skirt, a teardrop necklace, knee-high laced boots, and nothing more than that.

Next to her was a baseball bat.

The female (M/N) possessed (a/h/l) (h/c) hair and (s/c), and wore more modest clothes than America. She wore a pink sweater that was too big for her, a long purple skirt, baggy socks, and brown ankle-high boots. She was also clutching a pink stuffed rabbit.

"What the--?" The female America was awake now, and she glanced around confused before they landed on the female (M/N). Now wide awake, she crawled over to the younger girl.

"Hey, honey bee, wake up. Please?" The female shook the female (M/N) awake, and the girl blinked in confusion as she came back to reality. When her (e/c) eyes fell onto the surrounding nations, she squeaked and hid behind America, who now realized they weren't alone. She stood, glaring at all of them menacingly as she stood protectively in front of (M/N).

"Who are you?" she demanded, because after scanning over them, she appeared confused. "What the hell? You look exactly like Rose!"

England blinked. "I beg your pardon?"

The female (M/N) stared at France next. "He looks like Francine," she said.

Now France was confused.

The younger girl scanned over everyone, becoming more perplexed herself. America followed her eyes and lowered her guard, but only a little. "Can you tell us your names?" she asked.

"Ve~I'm Feli-"

"Your country names, please," America clarified.

"Italy," Italy answered immediately.

"Germany," came in Germany.


As soon as they introduced themselves, the female America and (M/N) were bug-eyed. Then America was on the ground, her soul leaving her mouth.

"Mama!" the female (M/N) cried, clearly distressed. "Mama, wake up!"

One thing was for certain, things were going to be interesting for a few more days, especially for their female counterparts in a different universe.

I will take this off hiatus soon. Anyway, many people forget that the Nyo counterparts of the Hetalia characters are a little different from them. For example, the female America is more prone to violence than her male counterpart, and loves hot dogs more than hamburgers. 

For (M/N)'s female counterpart, she is more willing to talk, though she loves to sing like him and is very shy and quiet. However, she also enjoys dancing and, unlike a porcelain doll, she carries around a stuffed pink rabbit. Her foster mother refers to her by a variety of nicknames, unlike her male counterpart who refers to his foster son as "bud" or "buddy"; like "honey bee", "angel cake", "little bird", "sugar cube", etc.

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