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"Come here, buddy," America cooed to (M/N) when the latter was losing a little bit of control of his body and started to slam the table just to get the feeling to stop. (M/N) didn't hesitate to grant his father's request and latched onto the taller man, the latter chuckling a little before patting (M/N) on the back. After a little bit, they draw away, and (M/N) squeaked with happiness before returning to his seat.

Unfortunately, the other countries had witnessed this ideal, and it gave the clueless Italy an idea.

Until he saw America give him a warning look, making him shrink back.

Later, America approached Italy and sat down next to him.

"Look Italy, the reason I gave you that look earlier is because if you try to hug (M/N), he'll freak out. The only reason he allowed me to hug him is because he's used to it. You just need to be patient with him and give him space okay? If he wants a hug, he'll ask you, okay?"

Slowly, Italy nodded, while America gave the same warning look to France, who, surprisingly, nodded back to him, showing he understood.

Sorry this is so short. Anyway, autistic people are known to either not favor hugs or don't prefer them much. It usually takes a while for them to get used to someone else's hugs, or else they'll be very uncomfortable. Some other autistic people just don't need as much affection as NT people, and there's nothing wrong with that! Just wish people would remember that...

Moments (Hetalia x Autistic!Male!Reader) *ADOPTED!*Where stories live. Discover now