Chapter 7

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Sorry I didn't edit. School night. I guess you all like the twins so I keep mentioning them like I normally do. Enjoy! =)

Picture is of Bailey ->

Chapter 7


The hospital released me the next day. I'm glad I didn't have to stay for long. My throat is still a little scratchy, but I'm able to talk now. I left the hospital with my mom and Marco. I held Marco's hand and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Do you want me to stay and help with the twins?" Marco asked. "You don't have to do anything until you're feeling better."

"I'm fine. Only my throat hurts. You can stay home."

"I want to stay. Even if your dad doesn't want me to."

We got home and my dad was taking care of the twins. They were both crying and toys were all over the place.

"What happened here?" I asked him, picking up Jason and trying to calm him. Marco tried to calm Bella, and my mom began picking up toys.

"I don't know how you do it sweetie. These two are a handful." My dad sighed and went into his office.

After getting the twins quiet, we let them play with each other on the floor. I sat on the couch with Marco and sighed.

"Well that wasn't easy." Marco muttered. "They put you to work one your first day back."

"It's okay, I'm used to it."

Marco put an arm around me and leaned back in the chair. He watched the twins playing on the floor.

"Can you imagine the four of us in a house of our own?"

"Not really. It would be great to have a place of our own, but aren't we too young? We're only 18."

"We're legal adults. We're not too young."

"And we can get married one day. Hopefully soon."

"Yeah, if you say so."

Does he not want to get married? It would make things a little easier. Take away some of the judgment.

"You don't want to marry me?" I asked.

"Maybe one day. But way into the future. Maybe in our late twenties or early thirties."

"That's too late! We're already a family. Why not get married and seal the deal?"

"I think about it. But for now, let's just enjoy the way we are now."

The doorbell rang and Marco got up to answer it. He opened the door and I looked to see who it was.

"Hey Andy. Come on in." Marco said. My heart began to race and I quickly stood up. Andy came in and smiled at me, making me feel the usual feeling he causes.

"Hey Bailey." He greeted.

I ignored him and walked over to my car keys. I grabbed them and walked towards the door. Andy and Marco gave me weird looks. "We're almost out of diapers and wipes. I'll be back later." I told them before walking out the door.

I hate being such a jerk to Andy, but I won't let these new feelings interfere with my relationship. I'm not a cheater, and I'll never be one. Is this how Marco feels? He's trying not to like other girls, but it's hard for him. Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on him. This is a terrible feeling.

After a while, I came back home with wipes and diapers. I even bought some clothes for me and the twins. I walked into the house and Andy was still here. I didn't see the twins so I figured Marco put them down for a nap. Andy and Marco both gave me a smile when I walked in. My cheeks began to heat up looking at the both of them.

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