1 || Confessions of a Traveling Solider

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Realistic Fiction

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"Blame keeps wounds open. Only forgiveness heals." ~Thomas S Monson

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"Sarah, there are two letters for you," Elizabeth called from the front door. Without another thought, I jumped out of bed and sprinted into the living room, yanking the neat letters from her hand.

Aaron left for the army seven months ago, and I haven't heard from him since. The butthead promised I would hear from him at least once a month. Oh, how I hate snail mail.

When the twin towers went down, a little less than two years ago, Aaron was one of the first men to enlist, saying that it was his duty to fight for the land he loves and the people he loves in it. It nearly ripped my heart out when he said he was leaving, but it was something he felt strongly about, and I couldn't stand in the way of that. Aaron is my best friend, after all, who am I to stop him.

I just hope one of these letters says he's coming home. This time apart has had me thinking more and more about him, and recently Elizabeth led on that I might be this depressed about his absence because my feelings for him are beyond the level of friendship—even after I reminded her about my never-ending crush on Drew, a guy I've loved since college and my boss. However, Drew recently became engaged to Ms. Long Legs, as Aaron labeled her during one of our many midnight talks around ice cream and 27 Dresses.

God, I miss him! Not able to wait any longer, I rip open the envelope with the words Sair Bear scrawled across and pulled out two small sheets of notebook paper. Opening up the folded sheets, I begin reading...

Sair Bear,

I know you are probably mad at me for not writing you more letters, and I am so so terribly sorry that this is the letter you will receive. Before continuing go get a cup of hot coco, and the blanket.

I did as he said, why wouldn't I?  He knows me best, and if he thinks I need it, then the letter is going to order me around. What worries me the most, however, is that he is asking me to get the two items he brings me when I am a sobbing emotional wreck. Aaron, what's going on? I question the air as though he is standing beside me.

Once I'm settled in my cozy chair with my blanket and hot chocolate, I continue reading his words.

Last I checked, it's July 10th, 2003. By the time this reaches you I will probably be dead. I always knew I was going to die. I mean, that's what everyone says right. That's how war works. The soldiers in the fields have to die in the end.

I want you to know I love you and always have. More than a friend should. I know how selfish it is for me to write this down on paper, instead of saying it to you, but I could not bear the thought of you living another second without knowing someone loved you through and through.

I know you have feelings for another, for I have watched the way your eyes light up when he walks into a room. I have spent nights wishing you would look at me like that, but I do not fault you. I had what people would refer to as tunnel vision. I only saw you. There were other girls around me, but unless they had your eyes, your laughter, your wit, and your beauty they stood no chance for my heart.

Knowing you, I know that right now you are scoffing my comments as though they come from the mouth of a foolish man. Please, my dear, stop with those thoughts because sure I may be foolish, but I have never felt more sure about the words I have written.

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