24 || I'm Here

110 3 0

Realistic Fiction

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Warning: Strong Language

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"I found a way to make it through, by holding your hand."

-- Unknown

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Yona sat on her bed clutching her legs. It's happening. Why is it happening? The fear crept under her skin, and her neck turned to the right, but once wasn't enough. She turned her head exactly six more times, then blinked eight times. She felt the anxiety in her. She was spiraling down, and with shaky hands she reached over to her side table and retrieved her phone. She felt the attack beginning again, but did her best to suppress, while she dialed the number. 

Jasper was sitting in his apartment. He had just heard the news of his fathers cancer, and he was pissed. He hasn't spoken with his father for over three years, and he didn't want to come to terms with his abusive fathers actions under these circumstances. Jasper started to scream, letting out all of his bottled up rage. He screamed until his throat hurt, and his face was straining. He racked his hands through his hair, and down his face, before he collapsed on his unmade bed. "Fuck," he sighed. Jasper, got up, and took his shirt and jeans off. Leaving him in just his boxers. Then, his phone rang. Jasper was reluctant to answer it after his last call, but grabbed it anyway. Answering it without looking, he put the device to his ear. "Hello?" he asked.

"Jasper," his name from her lips. He would know that voice anywhere, Yona.

"What do you want, Yona?" he asked, not bothering to hide the annoyance in his voice, but then he realized the call was on face real, or picture time, or whatever the hell it's called. He looked at the screen, and saw her face. Her fair skin seemed as soft as he remembered. Her hair strawberry blonde locks had been chopped extreme short, giving her bangs far past her brows, but what caught his attention was the angry tears in her eyes. 

"Nothing," she smiled at him. "I just wanted to see how you were," she added, but he could see the obvious lie.

Yona wanted to tell him, but she couldn't get the words to come out of her mouth. She was relapsing. After six years without a single episode, her OCD was starting up, and she didn't know what to do. Suddenly the twitch in her neck happened again, and Yona found herself turning her head another six more times. "Yona, why did you just turn your head?" Jasper asked. She could hear the worry in his voice, and regretted calling him. She's strong. Why couldn't she do this on her own?  "I'm on my way," he rushed. 

"No, I'm fine. Really," she tried, but she could see Jasper, running out of his apartment, and racing down the stairs.

"Don't try to lie to me. I can see you. Now, stay on the phone with me. I'll be there soon," he stated, breathing heavily as he continued to run. "Do you hear me?" His olive skin took up her whole screen. God, he's not wearing clothes! She realized as he brought his phone down, so he could pump his arms. "I'm just around the corner," she heard him say. No. No. I don't want him here. 

Yona threw her blankets over her head and tried to hide herself from him. "No, I told you I'm okay," she tired again, slapping a fake smile on her face. Her anxiety took over her limps, and she wrapped them tighter around her legs trying to pull herself out of this.

Suddenly, she hears pounding on her door, and jumps. "Yona, open the door," he calls from the door, and into the phone. 

Jasper looks into the screen of his phone, and only sees black. Crap! I need to get to her now! He starts looking for her hidden key, but comes up short. I'll fucking fix her door later. He pushes on it before kicking the wooden door through. "Yona!" He calls running over her giant couch, and into her room. Where he finds a shaking pile of blankets in the middle of her bed. He slowly pulls the bedding back until he sees her in a large green sweater. He doesn't waste anytime, he just leans down, taking her into his arms. Yona wraps her arms around his neck, not caring that he is sweating, and panting. He holds her tightly to him. "I'm here."

"I thought--" Yona, started, but Jasper hushed her, "I'm always here."

He looked into her soft puffy brown eyes, and found his anger wash away.

Yona felt like herself again. Curled up in his arms, she could breathe. "What happened," he asked, once they were both in her bed.

"I don't know. Everything. I wasn't strong enough," she began, but Jasper shook his head at her.

"Asking for help is what makes you strong. Even after six years, you knew what was happening, and instead of waiting for the worst, you asked for help. You know you. That is strength, not weakness," he stated, hoping this time she heard his words.

"Thank you, Jasper. I know I'm always safe with you," she added, before snuggling closer to him, and closing her eyes. 

Jasper let out a soft sigh, before he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on Yona's forehead. "I'm always here for you," he whispers, the only way he knows how to say the three words he's wanted to say since they met in high school.

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