13 || Waiter

139 7 0

Realistic Fiction

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I want you. All of you. Your flaws. Your mistakes. Your imperfections. I want you and only you.

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"Genny, you need to get out of this house," my sister said, grabbing my hand, and pulling me off my comfy couch. "Come on, let's go out for dinner," she adds with some enthusiasm.

"I'm fine to just stay in," I reply, trying to sit back down. My boyfriend of two years decided to break up with me three days ago, and I am in no state to go out.

But my sister got my mothers genes and is stubborn. "Um, how about no. It was his loss not yours, so come," she ordered, dragging me out the door. I was lucky to grab my purse and shoes along the way.

I huffed, now sitting in her black impala, staring at my reflection in the mirror. My usually shiny bouncy head of curls, is a frizzy mess stuffed into a god awful bun. I have heavy bags under my eyes, and a stain on my old college t-shirt. Not to mention the fact that my sweats have wholes in the pockets, and paint splatters. Let's just say I like the ruff, not the diamond. Why did Bree let me leave the house like this? I slip on my neon green tennis shoes that obviously match my outfit.

"Where do you want to eat?" She asks, stopping at the light.

"I don't know. You pick," I respond, still not feeling the idea of going out.

"Rodger," she clicked.

Moments later we are pulling into the parking lot of TGI Fridays. When I get out, Bree loops her arm with mine, and we walk to the entrance.

"How many," the hostess asks before taking us to a small booth, and handing us a couple of menus. "You waiter will be right out," she smiles brightly, before leaving.

"Ooh, they have Potato Skins!" Bree shrikes, looking over the menu and smiling widely.

"I can't have any, you know what diary foods do to me," I tell her, reminding her of my lactose and tolerate state.

Then, I hear a man clear his throat. We both look to see the most heart stopping blues eyes staring back at me. I mean, they are of course attached to a face, a clean shaven strong jaw line, attractive face. The man has a boy next door charm about him with the sparkling smile, and the shaggy brown hair.

I feel a pain in my leg. "What the hell?" I exclaim, looking to Bree.

"He asked you a question," she tried to whisper, but did a poor job of it.

"Oh, sorry," I say.

"That's okay. My name is Garrett, and I'll be your waiter for today. May I get you started on a drink?"

I smile and say, "Raspberry Ice Tea, please. Thanks."

Bree must have already ordered, for he leaves with a 'be right back'.

"So, Ginny and Garrett, uh?" Bree winks with a knowing smile.

"Oh shut it. It's nothing like that. He's just good looking is all, and I wasn't expecting it. Sue me for having eyes."

What Ginny didn't know is that Garrett was standing a few feet away, holding the girls drinks in his hands. He also, caught her bluntly ogling at him when he frist introduced himself. Garrett never thought of himself as something worth staring at. He thinks his too big for his height. His eyes are too close together. His noes is too long. But, when the girl at table five stared at him he felt like a movie star. That is something he had never experienced before.

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