27|| Remind Me

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Realistic Fiction

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"Even if we try to forget love will remember." -- Unknown

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"Did you get the onions?" Carrie asked, looking over her list as she pushed the cart full of groceries. I nod, pointing to them, and she checked them off. "Milk?" she continued through the list double checking it, while I looked around. I spotted a couple, probably in high school. The boy was coaxing the girl into kissing him in the middle of the store, and she was laughing trying to hide her lips. The scene reminded me of Carrie and I when we first started dating, back before the kids, and I had a sudden urge to see the blush on her face again. 

"Strawberries," she asked, but I was just staring at her. Her long dirty blonde hair is being held up by a pencil, she grabbed for the glove compartment, and she has light makeup around her blues eyes from the night before when we had the kids open house.

She must have realized I wasn't paying attention because she stopped talking and looked at me. "What?" she asked, but there was a tiny bit of that same smile on her lips, from when I would get caught staring at her. "Travis," she pointed her eyes on me, but I didn't care, I walked over to her till I was standing right behind her, holding onto the cart with her trapped in my arms. I bent down tracing my lips to the side of her neck just like she loved. 

"Carrie," I smiled at her reaction. She leaned into me opening her neck to me.

"Travis, d-did you get the s-strawberries?" she asked, trying to continue as I wrapped my hands around her waist. 

I nod against her back, nibbling on her ear. 

"Forget it. We got everything," she announces, taking my hand, and rushing to the line. She giggled like a school girl as we stood in line, and I couldn't help the smile I had on my face, at seeing her. I leaned over to get the food on the belt on she subtly traced my back, playing with the line around my belt. 

"Mrs. Rheed," I breath into her ear, when I stand, and she just smiles as though nothing happened. 

When we are almost to the cashier, she comes from behind me, and starts drawing hearts into my lower back, like she use too. Can this cashier go any faster?! The woman in front of us finally collects her things and moves. So it's our turn. The young cashier is going too slow for me, and Carrie can sense it, for she takes my hand, holding it firmly in her hand. I'm a dead man. The groceries are finally in the cart and the cashier has rung as up. I pay with our card, and practically snatch the receipt out of his hand. As soon as we are out the door, I push Carrie to the side of the wall, trapping her again, but this time her face is not surprised, but excited. She reaches up onto her toes and seals our lips. "I've missed you," she mummers, in between kisses. 

"I'm back for good, baby," I vow, picking her up and deepening the kiss. She wraps her hands around my shoulder, while I explore her legs that have wrapped perfectly around my torso. 

It's been months maybe even years since I've felt like this with him. He usually goes through the motions. His job. The kids. Me, but while he held me I remembered how we were. We were so good. We were like a flame. We were all over each other, and as he set me down to take the cart filled with out food, I was reminded of my husband. The one I thought I lost. He's still there. I take his hand sprinkling it with kisses.

"So I was thinking we could call a baby-sitter, and I could take my wife on a proper date night," he added, once we had everything inside the car. 

"Really?" I asked shocked. He nodded.

"I need you in my life. I'm sorry I forgot," he stated, holding my hand.

I wanted to cry. "I forgot too. I'm sorry. I love you, Travis." I smile up at him. 

"I love you too, Carrie."

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