19 || Monster

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Paranormal Fiction 

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It's hurts to let go of someone you love the most, but maybe it's the best freedom you'll ever give them. Love is a sacrifice.

 -- Terry Mark

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"Lina!" someone screams, waking me from sleep. I groggily lift my head, only to see a very frantic Franaso. "He needs you!" He added before running back out the bedroom. I quickly slip out of bed, and pull on my robe, making my way down the stairs. I hear the faint sound of growls, and pick up my pass as the sounds grow louder. When I enter the living room, I find the monster holding the neck of one of his employees threatening to kill with one snap of the neck. 

"Lina, do something," the man pleas, clawing at Nicolei's hold.

I cautiously walk towards the monster, "Nicolei, my darling, can you hear me?" I asked, watching as the beasts ear perked up upon hearing my voice. A slow growl came from the monster, but I ignored it. "Nicolei, I'm here. Come back to me," I whisper, trying to contain, my emotions. I use to be a sobbing mess at the end, but over the years I have gotten better. I finally reach the monster, and touch the fur on his shoulders, giving him a gentle pet. The beast relaxes into my touch, still holding the man firmly in his clutches. I continue to pet the beast, slowly making my way in front of him. He blows hot air into my faces as he huffs and clenches his sharp jaws. He continues to stare angrily at the man, so I lift my hand to his scaly face. "Nicolei," I call to him, calmly, and his hard stare meets my steady gaze. "I need you," I whisper. "Please come back to me."

I watch as his blood red eyes, transform into gentle blues. His face morphs from green scales to deep tan flesh, and his sharp jaws, return to his kind mouth. Nicolei quickly releases the man. "I do apologize, Vin," Nicolei states, helping the man, who seems to be fine, up.

Vin chuckles, "I don't become your friend without expecting near death every now and then." Nicolei tries to laugh it off, but I see the hurt on his features, and the guilt that will continue to eat at his soul, for the monster he can become. After, Vin and Franaso leave, Nicolei pulls me to his chest. 

"That was a close one," he states. "If you hadn't have been there I would have-"

"But I was, and you didn't," I reminded.

"I can't control the beast, and he's hurting people. Lina, my love, I don't want to be a killer," he turned in shame. 

I took hold of his face, "You aren't. You stopped. You came back to me. You're good." His blue eyes held a sadness I could not know. 

"My love, when I'm the beast it feels good. I could easily be a murder."

"But you're not! Why are you fighting me on this?" I asked. We always talked after, but for some reason I feel he's loosing hope.

"I'm beginning to think maybe the world would be safer with me out of it," he stated finally. "Please, Lina, before you say anything. I'm not myself when I become the beast, and I fear I'm loosing my humanity more and more. What if there becomes a time when not even you can reach me? Lina," he breathes at the end, staring into the fireplace flames. 

I feel a tear roll down my cheek as he talks. "Lina, can you keep a secret?"  a young innocent Nicolei asked me.

I nod my head earnestly. I would do anything for this man. We had been seeing each other for only a week, but I was head over heels in love with him from the second he smiled my way. 

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