21 || When We Touch

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Realistic Non Fiction

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"We are not people who touch each other carelessly; every point of contact between us feels important, a rush of energy and relief."

― Veronica Roth, Allegiant

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Andrea worked on her laptop, relaxing in her small home while finishing up a few last minute touches on her design for a client. She is a 3D designer, but she has difficulties leaving the comforts of her home, so she keeps all of her business online. "And done!" She exclaims, fist pumping the air. That's when she hears it, a knock at the door. Andrea instantly freezes up. It's not her sister, she always calls before she comes over. The mail man knows the knock to make when he arrives before leaving all packages on the ground, for me to retrieve. This knock is sporadic with no rhythm at all. Who would be so careless? She slowly makes her way to the door, before peeking into the peephole, only to see a man in a humorous graphic tee about dinosaurs, and bright green pants. When he looks up she notices his green eyes and shaggy brown locks. "Hello?" he calls to the door.

"Who's there?" she instantly asks, her fear slowly creeping inside her.

"My name's Noah. I just moved in next door, and was hoping to introduce myself," the man said.

"Well, then, hello. I'm Andrea," I call back through the door, hoping to avoid any contact altogether.

I hear a small chuckle, "It's very nice to meet you Andrea. You sound like a lovely person. I suppose I'll see you around," he adds. 

"Yes. It was nice meeting you too," she replies smiling to herself. Then, the man leaves something on her porch before walking away. When she is sure he was gone, she gently opened the door, and looked down only to see a small plate with a cupcake that read 'Howdy Neighbor'

What a strange man, she thought, picking of the cupcake and taking it into her home.

A   w e e k   l a t e r . . . 

Noah has made a few friends surprising as that may be. He decided it would be fun to have a party. He is young after all, and he enjoys socializing with people. So, he began going around and telling people about his impending party. When he stopped at Gerad's house, he exchanged pleasantries, and then told him about the party, like the others in the neighborhood Gerad was excited, to say the least. His wife and he rarely get out, do to the children.

"Have you invited, the girl down the street?" he asked suddenly. I didn't have to ask to know which girl he was talking about. There was only one that still had only seen from a distance. The girl that lives in the house next to him, Andrea. He noticed she only came out to get her mail, which included groceries. He had heard of people getting their groceries delivered, but never saw it in action until now. 

"I'm heading over there now," Noah informs him.

"Well, don't hold your breath with that one. She only really talks to her sister," he states. She's talked to me, Noah thought with a smile, before remembering that was with a door firmly in between them. 

"Do you know why?" Noah asks, even though he knows it's prying, Gerad could easily just be giving rumors instead of truth. 

"I use to go to school with her," he shrugs. "She doesn't like being touched. No more than that she is petrified of being physical contact. After high school, she just locked herself in her house. I guess it was her parents that had forced to go," he finished. 

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