4 || Do You Mean It Like That?

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Realistic Fiction 

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"Because of a great love, one is courageous." - Lao Tzu

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Greg was not a man of feelings. He liked to keep everything bottled up and hidden from the world. Sometimes even from himself. Greg finished buttoning his suit jacket, before grabbing his keys. He promised Grace, his longtime friend, that he would accompany her to a "work thing," as she put it. And unfortunately he was running a bit late, so he's meeting her there.

"Where's the mystery, man?" Grace heard from her side.

"He's just a friend and he's running a bit late," Grace dismissed the comment quickly. She had been getting comments like these since she set foot in the ballroom.

Grace recently went through a divorce with her, now, ex-husband of three years. He put her through hell and tried to get her to cut ties with Greg, her only true friend. In Grace's mind that was the final straw. She had taken her husband's abuse, endless criticism, but to make her chose between her friendship, and him. Her decision was made up before the ultimatum was even finished being said. 

All of her co-workers/ girlfriends had told her it was time to start a new, but she just didn't think she was ready for the dating world yet, so she avoided comments about her love life and invitations for setups. Grace begged Greg to come with her, so she wouldn't have to face the comments alone, and he agreed.

Grace sighed leaning against one of the white covered tables, as she watched her co-workers moving around the dance floor. That's one of the many reasons she had invited Greg, the man can dance, and she loves to dance. Grace felt like a different person when she floated across the dance floor. She felt free, alive and centered all at the same time, and she craved to feel that way again.

"Looking for me?" A deep voice asked behind her. She turned to see Greg standing beside her looking like someone straight out of a GQ magazine. His usually curly brown hair is smoothed to the side with a small wave. His brick-red tie brings out the flecks of gold in his auburn eyes. He has a light five a clock shadow from coming here straight after a long day of work. "I'm sorry for being so late, but I do believe I hear a song playing? May I have this dance, Grace," he asked, extending his hand to her.

She laughed at his antics and took his hand, leading him to where everyone else was swaying. Together they popped, dapped, shuffled, cha-chaed, and laughed. When a slower song began to play she excused herself, claiming she needed a drink, but in truth, she needed to get away for a moment. For some reason, there was something different about them tonight, and she was scared.

Greg heard the change in music and found himself anxious by the thought of holding Grace close in his arms. She made a move to leave, but he wouldn't allow it, taking hold of her hand and spinning her into his arms. Her strapless black dress floated up with each spin, showing off her long legs. Greg instantly took hold of her small waist feeling warmth beneath the satin fabric. She clutched his hand tighter at the sudden closeness. Her soft raven hair less than an inch from his nose and he could smell her vanilla shampoo. He had been this close to Grace countless times. They use to dance around her living room because she loved it so much, but tonight was different. He felt a spark, he had never felt before. 

Grace was nervous, for some reason, about the intimacy they were sharing. Can he feel my heart racing? She wondered as he pulled her closer. Grace realized she hadn't moved her other hand, which was draped to her side. This is your friend. We do this all the time. It's nothing. Dance. She ordered herself. Gliding her hand over Greg's shoulder, she began to relax, but she knew as she thought it that this was not like the other times.Grace was beginning to feel something she hadn't felt in a long time. When her hand was in place he took them gracefully around the floor.

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