10 || Glowing Hearts

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Heads up, there is an LGBT relationship in this story, as well as, some strong language. If that bothers you, please go on to the next story. 

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Your soulmate is the one who mends your broken heart by giving you theirs.   --Unknown

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"Did you hear—Kruk found his soul mate the other day!" Brittany gushed to me during lunch, while I completed my Calculus homework for next block.

"That's great news," I shrugged off, as she continued to talk about the miracle like it's not something that happens every few weeks... whenever someone turns the age of eighteen.

When a child is born their heat glows bright red for their first month. We as a society don't know why it just is. There are many theory's—such as we were connected with God and our other half before we departed, our hearts are still growing, and so on. I don't know which theory really appeals to me most of all.

Anyway when the child turns eighteen and they come in contact with their soul mate, both hearts will glow bright, yet again. However this only happens when both are eighteen, so as you can imagine there can be a lot of waiting around and searching.

I turn eighteen in exactly a week and can only pray my soul mate has already turned, and is waiting for me. I have watched many close friends meet their match and it is magical, for they found the person, who was made just for them. I can't wait to meet mine being a bit of a loner myself it would be a nice change of passé and one welcomed.

Brittany finished her sepal and just in time for the bell ending lunch to ring. "See you tomorrow, Kane," she waved, skipping off to class. Grabbing my backpack and slipping my work inside, I begin my walk to class as well, but before I make it to the end of the hall. My foot gets caught on something sending me tumbling face first to the ground.

"Oh, shit, Old Man! You have to be careful," I heard from above me. Of course I know exactly whom the voice belongs to...Trent, my own personal hell on two legs. He realized in elementary school that my name sounded like something an old man uses to get around and that has been the base of his jokes ever since.

Pushing myself back up, I turned to face him, but before I could say anything, one of his minions snatched my glasses from my face; changing my HD vision into blurred shapes and figures. I sighed, "Give me back my glasses."

But they all just laughed. "I said, give me back my glasses. I need to go to class."

"Yeah, yeah whatever Grandpa don't get your tidies in a twist," I heard Trent say. "Hunter, give Pops here his spectacles." I saw a figure disappear for a second.

"Have fun finding them," Hunter laughed. Then, I saw the figures walk away.

"Fucking assholes," I mutter, dropping down to my knees like something Velma would do. I patted around the dirty floor until I found my familiar black-rimmed glasses. Slipping them back on, I sprinted to class.

Trent and his goons have been tormenting me like that since the start of freshmen year and for the most part I'm use to it, but it gets old really fast. Neither one of them have found their matches, I feel bad for the unluckies that get them.

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