12 || Tested Love

135 5 0

Supernatural/ Action Fiction 

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"Two immeasurable things: the healing power of love and the destructive power of hate." 

--Dr. Steve Maraboli

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"Let me up, please!" He screamed, pushing against the restraints, holding his body firmly on the cold metal table. "Mila," Jackson cried to the nearly lifeless body. The so called 'doctors' were beginning their test again.

I don't know how long we've been in the facility. All I have left of the outside world is lying on that table. She can't even hear me. Yesterday, when I tried to talk to her she looked at me with a blank stare. Unrecognizable.

Mila and I found each other eleven years ago. She was being teased about the lighting silver strips amongst her ebony black hair. She looked to be getting angry-- really angry. Her tiny hands clenched into tight fists. "Grandma, do you need help walking home?" One of the boys called, grabbing at her. That's when it happened. Her soft chesnut eyes transformed into ones of pure white and filled with power.

"What the-" a pudgy boy with heavily spiked hair cried, falling backwards.

I didn't know her power, but before she could unleash it on the bullies and expose herself, I spoke up, "Hey, sis," I called over to her, not knowing her name. It worked well enough as a lie. I appeared to be a few years older than her and we both have the same dark hair. "Mom wants us," I added once I got her attention. Her eyes went back to their original gentleness, but they held curiosity.

She simply shrugged and walked over to my side. "So, bro, thanks," she smiled, nudging my shoulder. I later learned that she could control electricity pulling from the power around. She was the first and the last person I met that was like me. Special.

"437," one of the doctors said to me, using the code they decided to label me with. "You should really try to calm down. This stress you are putting yourself through is not good for your health and mental state." It was a woman doctor, by the sounds of it, and if it wasn't for the absurdity of this situation, I might have listened.

"You're right, I best relax to make this inhuman experiment, less difficult for you, saviors," I spit with as much venom as I could.

"Ungrateful brats," I heard her mutter. "Why can't we just put them all to sleep, like we did this one?" She asked, pointing to Mila, who now had a large tube connected to a machine sticking out of her soft stomach. It seemed to be taking out obscene amounts of blood.

I feel like I'm going to be ill. Watching her drained, like a blood bank.

"Please! Stop! She can't take anymore," I cried again, thrashing around the table, trying for dear life to get one of the restraints lose.

The head doctor, who I learned is called Dr. Morsen, answered the woman, as though I wasn't even in the room, "You know, they are stronger when they are awake. There power is more responsive and active at that time. We only do this when there is no other option."

This can't be happening! She's going to die on that table, being poked and prodded, and there is nothing I can do to stop them.

"Mila, I love you," I whispered, tears cascading down my cheeks and splashing onto the metal.

Something inside of Jackson broke that night, may it be his spirit or his heart. Mila, died on the metal table. As soon as the doctors came to begin on him, he lost it. Acting as though he had fallen asleep, he waited until one of the doctors placed their hand on the table beside his fingers. He quickly grabbed hold of the doctor, and even without his powers he could feel the life draining from the doctor. Taking the blade out of the doctor's hand he sliced through the restraints, freeing his body and arms. He jumped to Mila, unhooked her from the machine, picked her lifeless body up, and ran. He found a tunnel and followed it. There were sirens ringing every which way, but he held her tight and allowed his feet to carry them to safety.

After what seemed like hours Jackson made it out of the facility. The dark tunnel opened up to rural road. Going into the sanctity of the forest beside it, he followed the road. When it became dark, he rested. Laying, Mila on a pile of dried leaves. He gently caressed her face. "You and me." He held her hand firmly in his like a life line and slowly allowed sleep to catch up to him.

Jackson awoke to the feeling of someone running their hands through his hair. He jolted up, before looking upon the very alive-- very beautiful face of Mila. He started at her wide eyed. "How-how did- how are you alive?"

"I don't know. My only guess is that you jumped started me," she said with an easy smile, holding Jackson's hand tighter.

He couldn't help it, Jackson found himself laughing at the absurdity. "Well, I always knew you were a mustang, but this ridiculous," he laughed. Then it hit him like a ton of bricks. "You're alive," he nearly cried.

She simply nodded. He took her into his arms and squeezed her small form tightly, not wanting to ever let go again. He nuzzled his face into her hair, taking in her scent. "God, I've missed you."

She sighed, "I've missed you too."

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