20 || Fanged Out

113 5 0

Paranormal Fiction

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You don't need someone to complete you. You only need someone to accept you completely.


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"On a scale from one to ten—how mad are you?" Xavier asked nervously. His blue eyes appearing both innocent and guilty. He has had centuries to perfect this look, I realize shooting him my own look of annoyance. 

Let me think about that. He decided it would be a great idea to hypnotize me into going to the movies with him instead of my best friends birthday party! Now, I have her pissed at me, and what I am I going to say? "I'm so sorry. I wanted to go, but my boyfriend's a vampire, and he was being a complete ass!"

Instead of answering him, I climb up my stairs, go into to my jewelry box, and bring out my holy water infused lip ring, earrings, necklace, and bracelets. Xavier, who was once so close, jumps back about fifteen feet. Putting him on the other side of my room. "So pissed. Come on, babe. I'm sorry. I didn't know it was her birthday. I forgot," he shrugs, shame clear on his face. "What if we go out on a date, the fair is in town?" He suggest, trying to throw me off, but I'm not having it. We've been together almost two years now; it's not hard to tell when he's hiding, for lack of a better term.

I huff and walk past him. "Fine." I'll get a little enjoyment out of it.

"Are you going to take all that off?" He asked fearfully.

"Nope," I say popping the 'P', "and forgot my Aunt Petunia, the present was in my hands!" I push past him, walking down the stairs to the car with Xavier following behind me, as closely as, he can without getting burned.

In his car, I place my arm on the middle console, and he nearly hisses. "God, I get it that was messed up, and stupid beyond belief. I shouldn't have done it. Please, take that crap off," he pleads, when we get to a stoplight.

"You promised you would never hypnotize me!" I say, bringing up our first date. I've watched him do this to others, but me!

"I know. I'm sorry. Can you at least take off the bracelets, while we're driving," he reasons. I do, placing the bracelet in a small box inside my purse. "Thank you," he sighs.

When we arrive at the fair, I know exactly where I want to go, so I begin my walk to the far end. Xavier keeps up easily. Then, he realizes where I'm heading to, and slows down slightly. I hand the man at the front my ticket, and walk into The House of Mirrors. I can't see him, but I know he's behind me.

"Really?!" He says frustrated. "I get it I crossed the line, never again. In fact, I'm done completely. No more hypnotizing, I already have everything I could ever want in you," he says, sweetly. "Anna, please forgive me."

"Just one last thing," I smile, making my way out of the fun house, and heading over towards the food area. There I see the world famous garlic fries calling my name. Xavier follows me to the line, and even pays for my large order of garlic-smothered fried potatoes! "Mmmmh, are you sure you don't want any?"

He just groans the smell obviously getting to him.

When I'm done eating my food, and through with my revenge, I decide it's time. "I forgive you, a hundred percent, but you had better be serious. No more." He nods eagerly.

"I will never hypnotize another person again. If someone is being a dick, I'll just punch him like a normal boyfriend would," he smiles.

"Good." I take the jewelry off and put them in a box within my bag. This earns me another one of Xavier's heart warming smiles.

With the jewelry securely away, he moves towards me, his hand already lightly brushing my cheek. Soon he is so close, we are sharing air. "I love you, my stinky garlic human."

"And I love you, my pain in the butt vampire." His cool lips met mine and within seconds we are lost to the world around us, and all that matters is him and I.

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