32 || Black Lips & Guyliner

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Realistic Fiction

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"Don't change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love the real you." -- Unknown

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Everyday Lexi walked the halls the same way, but today there was something different. Lexi walked down the halls with her head to the ground. She was nervous and anxious to look up. She didn't want people to see her, for she decided today she would be herself. Today instead of her usual pale pink lipstick, she donned the raven black shade she wears for fun. She felt wrong loving the shade so much. She's not gothic. She's not angry at the world. She's not depressed. She just likes black, and the color against her fair skin just felt right to her. 

Lexi's mother would never let her out of the house with lips this dark unless it was Halloween, but this week her mother wasn't home, and when she was doing her makeup the black lipstick called to her, so without hesitating she picked up the forbidden color.

Lexi continued to walk down the hall, hiking up her backpack, now feeling insecure about her choice. She loves the color but is afraid of what people would think. Finally, she get's to her English class and takes her usual seat in the front. Soon her classmates begin trickling in. She can feel some of them staring at her, and she slowly sinks into her seat, praying she could morph away, but it doesn't work. Why did I do this to myself?

There is still an empty seat behind her, which is usually occupied by Criss, the class loner. He always wears black eyeliner and keeps to himself. Mr. West comes into class holding his briefcase, a sure sign he just stepped on campus two seconds ago. Then, Criss strolls in his head held high, as he walks to his seat.

The class is the same as always, everyone wearing and looking as expected, but as Criss passes, Lexi. He nearly stops in his tracks, for her lips are painted black very different from the plain jane look she usually sports. Her beige skin appears porcelain next to the harsh color, and her blue eyes hold a new intensity. She looks beautiful, Criss decides, taking his seat behind her. 

He always knew she was different. She never really seemed to be into the normals way of doing things, but she pretended to be. She laughed when they laughed. Smiled when they smiled, but today she's different. He was happy to see a tiny bit of herself. Of her true identity, but why does look to be sinking away?

As soon as, Criss is behind Lexi she begins to feel relaxed for some reason. Then she feels his breath on her neck, as he whispers, "There you are, Lexi." Lexi turned in shock at the boy behind her. He never spoke to anyone, but he spoke to her. And what did he mean?

When class ended Lexi gathered her belongings and began trucking out of the classroom. "Hold up," she heard that same voice as before. It was low and soft enough that only she heard. Lexi stopped only to see Criss behind her. 

"Do you need something?" she asked not rudely, but generally, as she said before, any communication between Criss and another person was unheard of.

"I wanted to say that-" he stopped abruptly. Do I really want to say this? Criss contemplated. What if she changes tomorrow? I need too, he deiced. "For what it's worth, you look like you, and I think the black lips are-" he stopped again, scratching his neck, suddenly becoming nervous. "beautiful," he finally breathed out.

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