17 || Just A Dream

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"Love is the most beautiful of dreams and the worst of nightmares."

-- William Shakespeare 


He screamed again from somewhere in his cell. We were so close. I know he's in pain. Cyber's screams were chilling, they weren't really screams at all the were growls combined with a heart wrenching moan of agony. We have been here so long his voice is raspier than it was when they first began. I can't see him, so I close my eyes and imagine our life as it once was, outside these four walls of mold, blood splatter, and grim. Back when we were two careless kids in love and happy.

His sweet green eyes dancing in the sun as the light hits his face just right that a halo hovers around him. Stains of his dark chocolate hair lighten as they hit my face with him hovering above me. His strong protective arms on either side of my head steady in the lush green grass around us. His head dips slowly, his eyes holding mischief, causing me to giggle loudly. His forehead makes contact with my neck and he snuggles in, causing a fit of laughter to leave me, for he knows how ticklish I am there.

I hear the scream again and I am awaken from my beautiful memory. I try closing my eyes again to bring the memory back, but all there is, is darkness. No. The scream fills my ears once more.

"Tell us what we want to know, young one, and you may leave. Taking your precious love with you," a man snided, stepping out of the dark corner of my cell. Strange how I've already taken ownership of the four walls. My cell.

"I have nothing to tell you," I spit back at the man. Knowing that my lies are not enough for him.

"Let's stop playing this game. We are both smart people and we both know, you know more than you are letting on," he added, stepping into the small amount of light I was alluded in the cell. "Now, I'm going to give you last chance."

"I have nothing to tell you," I say firmly, looking away from him.

"My dear, you have spirit. I see that, but don't you realize this is how it ends. No one fighting, but you and the one you love," the man says sadly, but with an underlying hint of glee. The screaming started again, but before it could get much louder, there was a thunderous sound coming from somewhere next to me. Just on the other side of the wall. "It can't be," the man whispered, in shock.

The sound went off again and this time the wall went down in a flurry of stone and dust. I quickly covered my face from the falling debris. Through my fingers a two very large figured emerged with the sun shining behind them. They stood tall like the Greek Gods I once read about.

"Nellie!" A small feminine figure called from behind the men. She came closer towards me, as the men grabbed the torcherous man, who had been interrogating me. "We are here. Don't worry, we are from Rebel Base 4.0 and we are here to get you and Cyber home." The woman maybe small, but she is strong helping lift me from the ground. At the mention of Cyber's name I woke.

"He's next to me! Please hurry!" I shouted at the men, cuffing the man. The nodded to one another and one of them punched through the stone separating us. By the second hit the stone crumbled.

"Let's get you on the ship before more come," the woman said, cooling supporting most of my weight.

Hobbled next to her, my eyes focused on the wall and trying to see past the new dust cloud to make out Cyber.

"Nellie," I heard softly from the fog and my eyes began to water instantly. His voice had become rough and sound was barely above a whisper, but it was him. He's alive!

"Cyber!" I cried.

The man, who broke through the wall came back, looked at me and said, "Get her out of here. She can't see him like this."

The woman instantly grabbed my body and hauled me out of the cell. Beside the wall was an hanger for us to walk up, well rather her. She ran up it with my body still over her shoulder. When we were inside a team of men and women in white uniforms took me and place me on a bed. A cup like object was placed over my nose and mouth. Then everything began to slowly fade away, but I didn't want that, I fought. I fought hard trying to stay awake. Afraid of what may be lurking in the darkness, but eventually the darkness took over.

"Nellie," he whispered softly in my ear. "Wake up, belly," his breath tickled my ear.

"Cy--Cyber!" I choked, sitting up fast, knocking heads with his.

"Aw, shit! That hurt," he exclaimed, rubbing his forehead. He was standing right there! I threw my arms around his neck. He caught me instantly, but said, "Nellie you were only asleep for an hour. Are you okay?"

I looked around and realized it was a dream! Oh thank god!

"Yeah, I just had the worst dream imaginable and it felt so real." I told him honestly, unwrapping my arms from his neck to slide down and hold him tightly around the torso. He rubbed my shoulders and snuggled his face into my hair.

"You want to tell me about it?"

"We had joined the rebellion and we were captured. I had some information they needed and they were torturing you, but I couldn't see you just hear. Then, there was this explosion and the three people walked into my cell. A small woman and two very large man. They grabbed the bad guy and I told them where you were. One of the big guys took his fist and brought the damn stone wall down. Once I found out you were alive the tiny woman grabbed me and flung me over her shoulder. Then she took my to a spaceship and a team of people in white coats put me to sleep."

"Does that mean you don't want to join the rebellion anymore?" He said, humor in his eyes.

"Oh shut up, it was scary!"

"I believe you. Well, seeing as it's just a normal Sunday and not the end of the world, do you want to go get some breakfast from Barry's Bagels?"

"Yes more than anything!" I exclaimed, but I still had an uneasy feeling from the nightmare.

"I love you to the sun and back," he said, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Cy, it's the moon and back," I told him.

"Yeah, but the sun is farther away so, I love you more," I laughed and scrunched my nose at his adorable cheesiness. "Come on, belly, bagels on me."


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