30|| You Smell Funny

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Realistic Fiction

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"Because of you, I laugh a little harder, cry a little less, and smile a little more"


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The first day of work. The new year is amongst us. Liza, wakes up at her usual time, five thirty, in order to ensure she is on time for work. She decides to wear her navy blue polka-dot skirt with a white blouse and yellow cardigan to emphasize the yellow bits of her skirt. In her bathroom mirror, she takes the part of her hair that, if it were cut would be, bangs, twists it, and pins it to the side of her head. After brushing her teeth, she applies a light amount of makeup. Today, she thinks to herself, is a day of first impressions. This thought makes her smile brightly. She takes her car keys and id badge and leaves the house for her car.

In less than twenty minutes, she is turning into the driveway of Wilson High School. Liza has been working here, as a tutor, since she herself graduated, two and a half years ago. Pulling into a spot, she gets out and makes her way to the tutoring room.

"Hey, Liza," one her student from last year calls.

She smiles widely and waves, "Hey, Brite. How was the summer internship?"

"So much fun! I got to cut open a shark and scuba dive off the coast of Cabo!" Brite got an internship with the Natural Museum. He wants to one day work alongside them professionally, and study marine life. "Are you heading to the room now?"

Liza nods, after telling Brite of her excitement for his future. Liza continues her walk, seeing a few more students she knows and waving at them. When she enters the room, she is immediately bombarded by Lindi, a sophomore she fell in love with last year.

"OH MY GOSH!" Lindi exclaims hugging her tightly. There is a school policy about this type of behavior, but really what is Liza to do at that moment? Liza smiles down at Lindi and pats her on the back.

"Lindi, you are squeezing the life out of me," Liza says to get Lindi to finally release her. They both laugh, and Liza makes her way to the tutoring office. There her co-workers sit Brianna, Alesha, Mindy, Jackson, and Kasey. Over in the corner Mrs. Bensen, our boss, is talking to someone, maybe a new teacher, Liza thinks.

Liza greets her co-workers; they swap stories of summer before class begins, and their conversation is cut short by Mrs. Bensen. She brings over a guy, who looks strangely familiar. He has deeply tanned skin, salt and pepper hair, but he is obviously in his early twenties. His nose is rather large for his round face. His eyes are bright blue. He has light stubble around his lips and chin. I still have not placed this face, however.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet Liam. He is a new tutor and will be joining us this year. When did you say you graduated again?"

"Uh, 2015," he said with a smile. I know that smile. It changed his whole face instantly, making him seem lighter, friendlier. He graduated the same year as Mindy and me.

Liam. He was that guy from cross country! Everyone said he was so funny and would stupid stuff all the time! Liza never did cross country, but she had a few friends that did and they couldn't shut up about this guy. Liza did yearbook and she remembers taking pictures of him. Even when the race was obviously killing him, he would always smile at the camera.

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