Chapter 18

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Yn's P.O.V.
Yn- See yah later Chresanto.

I just finished packing somethings I brought over Chresanto's house. I'm glad I can go back home to where I can hopefully be normal somewhat.

Chresanto-(hugs Yn) Yeah you too hope everything remains cool.


I hopped in my car and drove back to the house.

As I was walking to my door I couldn't help but hear a women's voice coming from my room. Instead of opening my door I layed my head on the door in order for me to hear.

???-Yeah girl I tricked him into taking me back to his place...No he's still in love with his wife but don't worry. When he gets back from Sonic he's not gonna be in love with her for long.

This bitch is crazy as they come. She really thinks she's gonna take Jordan away from me.

???-Yeah girl I saw her and I'm not gonna lie she pretty or whatever but shit I'm prettier so it doesn't even matter if she come back or not. I'm gonna be the top dog in his life.

As I'm listening I hear Jordan walking towards the door. I didn't bring anything up here except my purse so I hid behind this big plant that's beside our door so he won't see me. As he approaches the door he smells me. I forgot he knows the scent of my perfume but I'm not gonna move unless he sees me. He brushes the smell off and walks into the condo. Thank god!

I got right back up and pressed my head against the door to listen some more.

Jordan-Angela I got your food.

Angela-Thanks Jay.

Jordan-Please don't call me that. Only Yn can call me that.

Angela-Are you sure? I can say it better than her.

Jordan-Yeah I'm fine it's cool.

Angela-Well thanks for the food.

Jordan-No prob.

Angela-You know Jay,(gco)


Angela-(continues)You remember when we met at Starbucks, and you were sad about your wife?

Jordan-Uhh yeah?

Angela-And I took you to the bar and we were so drunk you took me home and we..(gco)

Jordan-Angela let's not go there. We was drunk and it was one time thing and you know that.

Angela-Oh come on Jay! You know you wanted me and I wanted you so why fight it?!

Jordan-Because I have a wife who I love so much and that is nothing but an angel to me!

Angela-Come Jay! I want you, and on top of that there's something I need to show you.

I heard a video playing but it came out as ruffled noises so I wouldn't know what it is.

Angela-See Jordan? She doesn't love you...But if I was your wife, this wouldn't happen.

Jordan-How'd you get that?

Angela-When you told me about this Chresanto guy I decided to look him up and see what's his deal. I found his address by one of my friends who worked with him. So, when no one was home I installed a camera by the porch and just like that I got this(gco)

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