~Chapter 82: Left-handed Justice~

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Hello everyone! How we doin? I hope you're keeping in mind what I promised. Everything looks bleak now, but it works itself out. Keeping you in suspense is part of my joy as a writer 😉

Thanks to everyone who is voting and loving on this!! Seriously it makes me so happy to see the votes and comments. With that in mind, this chapter is dedicated to the_girlalmighty because her votes put "In the Shadows" at OVER 3,000 VOTES WTF?? How did that happen??? Seriously. You guys are the best!!!

It's time for the trial!! What do you think will happen, guys??

The time between then and midday was spent trying to calm herself. Delia did her best to help, but she couldn't know everything that was going on in Kalysta's head. And there was plenty going on in her head. No matter the outcome she envisioned, she didn't know a way out.

If Niall tried Zayn as a traitor, the rightful punishment according to Elysian and Mullingan law was death. The manner of death was usually dependent on the monarch's whims, and Kalysta dreaded to think what Niall would concoct in his current mood. It could range anywhere from beheading to the stone press. It was a question of whether Niall wanted to satisfy his rage or his taste for theatrics.

A servant came at midday and led her to the audience chamber where she normally heard petitions from her people. It was a place normally reserved for peaceful motions to be presented, a place of justice. Though Niall couldn't have known exactly what the chamber was for, he was going against its purpose, especially because the trial would surely be a farce. But then, he'd shown a remarkable ability to learn things he shouldn't and then punish people accordingly. She wouldn't put it past him to learn of the audience chamber, scorn its typical use, and adapt it to his own purpose. This was only the first of many changes to come.

She approached the dais where she usually heard the petitions. Niall was seated in her large, comfortable chair and a smaller, more severe chair had been set to his right, clearly for her occupation. Her assumption was correct, for he gestured to it grandly. She took her seat.

Council members were standing to the side, just off the dais. No chairs had been given to them and the council women were conspicuously absent from the proceedings. They either hadn't been informed or were told specifically not to attend. Niall was already more in charge than she'd ever wanted to allow.

He stared at her intently as she sat. "I hope you slept well, fiancée," he greeted. The coldness of his voice and manner said otherwise.

"I slept quite well, my Prince," she returned, "and I hope your rest was good too."

"Oh, I slept soundly and without a care." He bared his teeth in the fake grin she knew he used to anger her.

His attempt was successful, for the thought that he'd threatened so many awful things without remorse drove her crazy. But she'd been practicing keeping control of her facial expressions. She showed only soft geniality and replied, "I'm so very glad to hear that."

Her parents entered then, before Niall could try any further attempts to anger her.

"What is the meaning of this?" her father snapped, striding toward the dais. "What gives you the right to summon us to a trial? You do not rule Elysium yet, son of Murdoch."

"Oh dear, my apologies, Your Majesty," Niall chuckled, contradicting his words. "I simply discovered a traitor among us at the party last night and hoped you would help me pass judgment."

Her father shifted his gaze to her, silently asking what was going on.

She shook her head and let her fear show on her face. With a jerk of her head, she motioned for her father to stand next to her on the dais.

In the Shadows~zayn au~Completed ✅EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now