Chapter 15 - The Nest

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Victoria's POV

Rolling my shoulders back, I massaged my stiff muscles. Sitting for exams had my shoulders and back aching badly. However, the good news was that we finished our last paper today. I shuffled across an ecstatic swarm of students, ready for our summer vacay at last. A certain blondie caught my eyes and I ran over to him without giving it much thought.

"Hey! Oliver!" He gaped when I approached him and his friends, looking like he was planning an escape route. To be anywhere but here. I tried contacting him a few days ago but he'd been avoiding confrontation.

"I wanted to speak with you.." I trailed off, giving his friends a meaningful look. I'm glad they took the cue and left us with some privacy. I went straight to point. "I'm really sorry Oliver, but I can't do this anymore. I've been thinking a-about us and I.. I -"

"-don't think we'll work out?" He finished my sentence. I chewed on my lower lips and nodded.

"Is it.. because you're seeing.. seeing him? Y'know Lewis." Ah so he knew about it too. "Yeah.." I replied, not bothering to conceal the truth.

"Wow.." He seemed lost for words. "Oliver, I know it's unfair to you and I wouldn't blame-"

"No no please Victoria. I understand..." He finally gazed into me and said, "You're an amazing girl, and.. I'm happy for you."

I smiled up at him. "So.. friends?" He smiled and replied, "Friends."


With a heavy heart, I paced to and fro on my balcony. How am I to put this? Some cheesy lines from the 90's kept popping into my mind like those unbearable, annoying advertisement jingles.

Yes I've decided to come clean with myself and confess to Lewis. I'm really going to do this. I'm going to tell him how I feel and hopefully everything would turn out ok in the end.

Yeah I know we're not each other's predestined mate but because it's so hard to actually meet and find yours, it's a norm for wolves to date. Especially young adult wolves like us. But the important thing was for him to know my true feelings. I've graciously put our past behind us and I hope it would pay off.

I involuntarily grinned dreamily like an idiot at the thought of him. Behind that cold and tough façade lies a boy who's capable of loving someone. Although him caring for someone usually ends with bloody knuckles.

He was charming, protective, confident, driven in his own ways. Who'd have thought a prince like him will have his awkward moments. Honestly, I find that cute, and was secretly pleased with myself; I'm sure I was among a handful who got to witness this side of him, given that he's so guarded around people.

The world see him as this stuck-up cold-hearted prick. But he's different in my eyes.

As if trying to savour the moment from my memories, I touched my lips gingerly. The kiss. His lips sweet and soft like cream. Up until now, I still can't believe I kissed him. My whole body tingled with desire, yearning for his touch again.

I chided myself and went back to the first topic in my head - How do I tell him? I closed the balcony doors behind me and went downstairs, hoping to find some inspiration.

Walking around aimlessly, I reached the kitchen, with a few of the pack members hustling about. Some of the older female wolfs had just got some freshly baked cookies out of the oven and it smelled heavenly.

"Victoria darling, want one?" One of them offered. I took one and thanked her. While breaking off bits by bits to eat, I asked if they had extra flour for me to use. They handed me a bag, and I searched the cabinets and fridge for the right ingredients to make cupcakes.

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