Chapter 1- The Beach

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                     There is a girl that stands on the ocean shore. She stands there at night. She wears a long flowing turquoise dress. She has long black straight hair. Every full moon she hears a voice and it mysteriously draws her to the moonlit shore. She has never interacted with anyone but her mother. Long ago her mother told her that she is to never have any human friends or even speak to them. She listened to her mother because she is a very powerful witch and can make her daughter disappear into a different dimension. The girl has a name and it is Winter. She has the ability to create ice and form it into anything she desires. Her mother disapproved of anything and everything Winter accomplished. One day a crowd of angry humans showed up at their doorstep and ordered the two to vanish or they will show them the two their fatal demise.

                                  The mother angrily declined their offer,she gave Winter the crystal necklace that laid upon her neck and told her to run. Winter did as she was told and ran far from the place. She heard her mother scream from where she stood but kept running, bawling her eyes out. She has always worn the necklace to remember her mother. One day she heard a voice calling her to the shores of the beach and the voice was her mother's and ever since then she has talked to her mother through the crystal. She preferred to talk by the shore and did so but could only hear her every full moon since it was a full moon when her mother died. She lives on a beach that is isolated from the world. No one will go there because they know she; a witch, lives there. She is so very lonely but her mother never cared about her feelings so Winter has no choice.


                                           One crisp,beautiful night the moon was shining so bright and each star circled it but each telling it's own story. There is a forest that separates the beach from the city. She is only to go out of her small cottage when night falls and if she steps foot on human territory she will be killed. On the other side of the forest lives a young man his hair is brown and curly and he has hazel eyes. He is a year older then she is. His name is Tayce he is named Tayce because he is not only french but he never talks. The name Tayce comes from France and means silence. Even though he is very quiet he is adventurous and very brave. He isn't fond of meeting new people.

                   Winter walked outside to sit at the shore and read the formation of the stars. She finds joy in looking into the night sky and watching the moonlight make designs and words that she could never read when the light reflects off of the crystal. Tayce is now looking outside and sees a design shining on a tree in his backyard. He went closer to look at it and ended up following a trail of trees with designs and words shining on them. Some said "follow me" and "go beyond the forest" He followed the trees until he saw no more words or patterns. He ended up in the middle of the forest and he didn't know what to do. Then Tayce heard some type of creature make a noise above him so he looked up. He looked closer and could see something glistening off the top of the tree. He couldn't make any sense of it so he climbed up the tree to get a closer look. The words said "look to the shores." He was puzzled by the words but then in the corner of his eye he saw a figure move and he looked to the shores. It was a girl wearing a turquoise dress with black hair dangling a crystal before the moonlight . He put his foot on an unsteady tree branch to start climbing down and accidentally snapped the branch into two, she heard him and turned around.

                   When she turned around she covered her crystal necklace and he saw the words disappear. She didn't see him and turned back around to face the moon. He noticed that she was mesmerized by the full moon. Tayce climbed down the tree and started to walk towards her. He was hypnotized by her beauty and followed a path he made up in his head. As he got closer she started to walk towards the water. With every step she took in the water that patch of water froze. It was then and there that he realized that she was the witch every one feared. He then remembered all the stories about her he had heard but he regarded those memories. As he got closer he heard her voice talking he thought to himself that she isn't as evil or scary as people portray her to be. The girl held her dress and suddenly stopped and said "Don't be mad at me mother I'll leave this place when i'm good and ready." He became confused but stayed there staring. Then what frightened him was another voice which said "well hurry up you shouldn't trust the human's words. they will betray you and terminate you in your sleep."

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