I: What Do I Do Now

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"I would have died, if it wasn't for you."


I'm searching through a drug store with my brother, Nick. I know his addiction is bad and I want him to stop, hell it would be best for all of us if he would stop popping pills right now, but he can't just stop, ur else he could die from withdrawal. I can't exactly say I hate my brother, but what he does is messed up, and he can't have a gun because of his addiction, unless you now we want to waste ammunition from his tweaking self. I don't have a gun either, only a baseball bat, my mother said it would be safer if I had a handgun at least, but I don't feel right holding one.

When I see the counter where the pharmacist fills prescriptions, I climb over the counter, "Nick, come here, you need to tell me what it is you needed."

He must of heard because I hear footsteps toward the counter, "BOO!!!" Nick tries to scare me.

"Oh, I'm so scared. Nick I heard your footsteps, you were obvious." I said with a smile. "Now, tell me what you need."

Nick scratches his greasy matted long hair, he hasn't washed his hair in so long, every chance I can get with a shower I wash my hair, who knows how long it will be until I can't anymore. "Um, any perks, anything that is an opiate is fine." I look at him.

"Here, you do it, I don't know what any of this shit is, you do." I hand him a cloth bag that carries his dumbass drugs, "I'm watching you though, so don't try to stick any in your pockets."

"Nah, I wouldn't do that to you sis, not anymore, you need me in your life to keep bugging you." Nick said with a laugh, I roll my eyes.

After a while I get really nervous, or scared, something like that. We've been in here to long, there could be a walker, "Hurry Nick, we could always come back."

"Alright, I'm almost done." He finishes up putting the last couple in. He tightens the strings on the bag and ties it, handing it to me. I quickly shove it into my backpack, and we get moving to the safe house, we won't be safe at it for long, but you know, temporary home, better than nothing.

When we exited through the broken glass door, we're free to keep walking home the usual way. Glass crunches under our shoes as we move down an alley of downtown San Francisco. I was surprised we didn't run into any survivors, maybe the people we're with and our family are the only ones left. The thought makes me sad, I will never love again. I look up at the sky while we walk, remembering the last words my boyfriend told me before he told me to leave, he said he loved me. He had the illness of a walker, he was bitten by one. I'll never see him again, the heart he drew on my wrist was gone now, nothing left to remember him.

While I was deep in thought I didn't hear extra footsteps. It wasn't until I heard the dead strangled moans that I snapped out of it. I look at Nick who has his hand around my forearm, ensuring he'll protect me. When we exit the alley, there's the horde, all moans and blood thirsty groans. Nick runs, I follow, but I ended up being to far away from him that when he jumped a fence and told me to run, I was already blocked from the fence. I don't panic when a walker gets closer to me. I take my bat and hit the walker in the head, it immediately falls, I back up into the alleyway we came out of, hitting another walker in the head, blood splatters onto my face. I have to get that off as soon as possible when I'm safe. I run down the alleyway getting away from the horde, the last thing I hear from Nick is, "Alicia!"

I keep running, lucky that walkers are slow. When I get far enough that I can't see any of them anymore, I stop, take out a old ratty shirt from my backpack and wipe my face off, getting it wet a bit to get anything that dried on my face. I shake my head, I think about how close to death I was. That was way to close for my liking. When I catch my breath enough, I go to turn to find another way to the house, when there is a walker right up on me, it's hands on my shirt, teeth to close to my face, I cry, trying to push it away, instead I fell to the ground. It was on top of me, teeth nashing at my face, I cry out, this is the end of me. Then I hear a sharp crack, blood sprays out of the walkers skull, falling to my side. I scoot away from it, terrified.

"You alright there?" I hear a thick Australian accented womans voice ask. I look up to see a blond girl, with black leather everything on, a shotgun strapped to her back and a black revolver in hand, another white revolver in a holster on her hip, stares down at me, her ocean blue eyes look deep into mine. "You looked like you were trying to have way to much fun with that walker." she said with a laugh, I don't get it.


So my loves, how did you like the first chapter, should I get a new cover, what about title. Give me some suggestions on Elyza and Alicia, and on the story while your at it. Their love story is going to go slow, I got lots of... plans, I may try to write some smut in here, I'm not keeping any promises though, because I suck at smut. Maybe some hints. Reminder this is my first fan fiction, tell me if you like it, leave comments and make sure to follow me for info on my other works. If you'd like to, please feel free to make a new cover.

Bye loves see you next chapter.

Surviving: Elyza the Zombie Slayer {Lexark AU} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now