III: Freedom

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"When good, she's an angel with a shotgun. When bad, she's hell on heels."


Today is going to be a terribly long day, I can feel it. I woke up to my arms wrapped around Elyza. I know she's a lesbian, I mean, it's an easy tell, but this is going to send her the wrong message. I'm glad she isn't up yet. It gives me time to slowly try and pull my arms away from her body. It didn't help none, she woke up as soon as I got my hands to her sides. The sound of a morning intake of air comes from her, and I'm quickly moving my hands away from her body, hoping she didn't notice, praying she didn't notice. Trying my hardest to make it look like I was still sleeping, even facing away from her. 

"Misses touchy feely over here. I know your not sleeping." she pauses with a laugh as I open my eyes, still turned the other way, "Princess get lonely, needed someone to comfort her?" I groan, getting up from the bed, "Awe, come on Princess, you know you were grabbing me on purpose."

I scoff at her, "As if. I woke up like that, and I told you to stop calling my that."

She shakes her head at me and changes the subject, "Get ready, I'm taking you to your family."

She gets up from the bed and goes over to her leather clothing. I don't have much to put on but my faded red canvas shoes and my plain white jacket. These shoes had writing on them from my boyfriend and I being stupid. It's long faded, but you can see hints of it here and there. The thought of my boyfriend doesn't help me from watching Elyza getting dressed. Either I'm jealous about what a great body she's got or I'm trying to figure out a way to make fun of her. There's nothing to make fun of, she's perfect. She even looks great with a huge tattoo on her back. It looks like a set of angel wings, from what can be seen from her tank top, but they're faded black. Her piercings even suit her well, the right ear pierced all the way up the ear with small black hoops and studs. The other ear has three top hoops and two studs at the earlobe leaving a space between them. Her lip has a black stud at the bottom right and a hoop on her left nostrils. I don't think I would have ever pulled off those piercings like her.

When I'm ready, she's still putting her pants on. I have to  laugh, "You need help there, pumpkin." I'm laughing really hard now. It must have pissed her off because she gives me a death glare.

"Shut the hell up, Alicia! And if you call me pumpkin again, I'll kill you!" Her stormy ocean blue eyes stare into mine. She isn't kidding, she's pissed.

"Hey, Elyza, I was kidding. Calm down." I regretted it as soon as it slipped out of my mouth, I KNOW what to expect when you tell us girls to calm down. 

Her eyes are still locked on mine, she finally gets her pants all the way up and buttoned. Her eyes don't leave mine for a second, and I keep challenging her, not pulling mine away in submission. She puts her belt strap on, which holds her thin throwing knifes, and her two white and black revolvers. Then in a blink of an eye and a glint of light, I hear something wiz pass my cheek, my hair caught by the wind of the object that went past, and I stare at Elyza wide eyed. Elyza hurriedly walks up to me, taking another knife out of her belt holster and putting it up against my neck, pushing me back to the wall. I try to hide the fact that I'm terrified, I've always been great at hiding my feelings. Keeping a strait face, I stare into her now dark stormy blue eyes.

Glaring at me is a devil, "Anything you have to say, Princess? Or are you bound to break down in tears if you open your mouth?" Her glare deepens, eyes bore into mine.

Surviving: Elyza the Zombie Slayer {Lexark AU} (Completed)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt