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"The deeper I think, the deeper it seems to sink"


I have been on the floor all night. When the alarm stopped, so did the horrible sound that I cannot let leave my mind. I cried from the pain of my ears, feeling them with my hands to find they were bleeding. Memories flooded my head, terrible memories. I would try to fall asleep, but the memories just played on the back of my eyelids.

Memories of the small war that was hidden by the government. I don't exactly know how they managed to keep it secret, but it caused me torture. Locked in a kennel like a dog. Forced to watch men and women from your unit be beaten and tortured, men and women you got so close to. Watching a few of them die from being too weak to handle it. Then knowing that you're after them. Being dragged out and trying to fight back, only to get bludgeoned on the back, causing you to stop resisting. Buckled down to the chair, I watched them as they asked me questions. What's your name? Tell us what EMBER means? What is EMBER? I kept my mouth shut with each question. They started torture after the third question.

What is EMBER? No answer. In return I was lashed, sure enough they would leave scars. After lashes they moved to something else again asking me the same question. What is EMBER? No answer. They cut into my skin, getting deeper after every question that was always the same. I showed no emotion the entire time.

After that they threw me into the kennel and they went over to a woman beside me. She looked so scared, she had only been in this war for a week. I grabbed the bars of my kennel and shook, "Take me again, not her, me!" I yelled. They just laughed, unlocking her kennel and dragging her out. She fought back, but they bludgeoned her like me. They asked her the same question, but she didn't even know that code. She kept saying she didn't know. She broke though, she was crying. Her torture lasted until she died, and when she did I lost my cool. I was so angry. I shook at my kennel with rage. "You cowardice bastards! You will never get me to tell you! When I get out of here, I'm slitting your throats, you fucking cunts!" I yelled and kept yelling, "Did you hear me?! I'll kill you! Your all dead to me!" I started screaming with anger and rage, shaking my kennel door vigorously.

The next day they took me out, but made me look at one of their leaders. "So, this the one you can't handle?" He had said it in a language I had to learn some time ago. I started saving the spit in my mouth. "What is you name?" He yelled. I didn't answer, he didn't scare me what was the worst he could do, mutilate me. I just stared at him with anger and hatred. Again he yelled, "What is your name?"

I was grinding my teeth together before I spat in his face, watching the saliva land in is his eye, making him flinch. "I will never answer you, you cowardice bitch!" I yelled and kicked him in his crotch as hard as I could. He fell to the ground in pain and I was fighting for release before I was bludgeoned in the back. "Fuck you, you bastards. I'll kill you, I'll kill every last one of you!" I yelled as the guy on the ground told them to get me to the chair. I was screaming with rage. As they were strapping me down, I managed to punch the guy on the left, who was shaking like a leaf, he was knocked out cold. I went for the other guy, punching him in the face and scrambling on top of him, I kept punching him in the face. When he was laying there in blood and not moving, I got up and headed for a door I've saw them enter and exit from. I was going to get help, but then someone hit me in the head with the butt of a gun, knocking me out.

I woke up upside-down. All the blood started rushing to my head, making me become a little faint. I tried to curl up to get myself down, untie myself or something, but my hands were chained to the floor. I hung there for about a day before someone unhooked me. They threw me back into the chair, I nodded off as they buckled me down. Something was connected to each of my fingertips. Then something zaps, pain surges through my arms starting at my fingertips, but I clench me teeth together to keep myself from screaming out. They stop the pain, but my arms were jerking from, what I now know, the electrocution. What is EMBER? No answer. A higher voltage. Arms jerking. What is EMBER? No answer. A higher voltage. Teeth clench together harder. Again they ask, What is EMBER? Again they got no answer. I was willing to die to keep it secret. If the people found out about it they would have no faith in the government. I'm a good fucking marine, aren't I?

Surviving: Elyza the Zombie Slayer {Lexark AU} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now