XXI: Our New Crazy Life

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"I'll always love you"


"Elyza!" I had been calling her name for a good ten to fifteen minutes and still got no answer or any idea of her whereabouts. "Elyza, seriously, where the hell are you!" Still no answer. I've checked the wall, because she usually helped build it when she wasn't learning from Tim. She didn't even wake me up when she got up, she usually does. "Elyza!" I called out again and I was about to call out one more time until my mom came by. "Hey mom, have you seen Elyza today?"

She shook her head, "I've only seen her when she woke up and that was it. No word exchange, just a little good morning wave and then she was out the door." She pondered for a second before saying more, "Ask your brother or Danny, they might know, they were out here way before Elyza."

I thanked her and gave her a quick hug before heading towards the direction I last seen Nick. He tends to hang around the horses and groom them when he isn't working on the wall. I jog up to the stables and call out for Nick, "Nick, you in here?" He confirmed to me that he was in the stables and I enter. He was petting one of the horse's. A white colt that was recently born. Tim let me name him. So, when I named him it didn't come to a surprise to anyone what his name ended up being. "Hey, Reese, how's my beautiful colt?"

Nick chuckled, "You really had to name him Reese?"

I glared at Nick as I pet Reese. "Well, yeah. Now answer my question."

"He's alright, he's acting like any normal horse would."

"I can't wait until he's old enough to ride." I said with excitement. When I finally remember why I was there I asked Nick, "Say, have you seen Elyza today?"

He bent down to grab the horse brush and started brushing Reese. "Yeah, she went into the tool shed and came out with a shovel, that's all I've seen."

I staid for a bit and helped Nick with the horses, then on my way to finding out where Elyza was. I had started calling out her name again. Lindsay saw me and greeted me, she was with her brother. They were just hanging out playing a card game that looked like Lindsay was winning. I walked over to them Lindsay grabbed a card from a face down pile and threw a set of two cards down on the ground by her and put a card in the face up pile. Danny drew from the face down pile and threw another card down in the face up pile. Lindsay picked up the card Danny threw into the face up pile and sat another set of two beside her and threw another card into the face up pile. Danny grumbled as it was his turn, but nothing happened for him. Lindsay took her turn and gave Danny a shit eating grin as she threw the last set of two beside her and threw her hands up.

Danny threw his hand of cards down, "Your a cheater!"

Lindsay laughed, "You're a sore loser. You know that this is my card game, why would you play it with me."

"What were you guys playing?" I asked as I finally reached them.

"Pat, wanna play?" Lindsay said quickly as she grabbed the cards and started shuffling.

Danny rolled his eyes at his sister, "It's called Pity Pat, you know that."

"Whatever, I call it Pat for short." Then she started dealing out cards.

"No, I'm not playing, I came to ask if you guys have seen Elyza." I waved her cards off and she threw the two in the bottom of the pile.

Surviving: Elyza the Zombie Slayer {Lexark AU} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now