VII: Soul Bound

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Listen to song whenever.

"When I first met you, I honestly didn't think you were going to be this important to me."


"Would you guys just stop fighting. God Damn, we are in a world that is fucked up and you're still fighting. Guess what, we are not a normal family anymore. So stop tearing each others heads off, lord knows you could tear heads off of something else." I yelled over my mothers and Travis's bickering.

My mother turns to me, "Alicia watch your mouth."

"Oh my god mom, why, why should I, I'm eighteen and if you haven't noticed, we are standing on earth which has no population other than walkers, so why should I, and why are you two still having arguments. I'm tired of the back and forth. We shouldn't be fighting when we have other things to worry about, like surviving." I said to my mother and Travis, furrowing my eyes at Travis mostly.

"Alicia, stay out of this." Travis said to me.

Anger heats up my cheeks, my eyes furrow in more, my jaw moves side to side with annoyance and hatred, "How can I possibly stay out of it when, all I can ever hear anymore is your yelling at each other. It's pretty bad if I can hear you through my headphones, on full volume. If this fighting doesn't stop, then your forcing me to do something you don't want."My mother is angry with me, so is Travis, it is true though, no one wants to hear them fight.

I feel a hand wrap around my arm, and drag me with it. I try to pull away from the hand, but I'm already outside of the house. The hands wrap around both of my arms. My face is inches away from Elyza's, her ocean blue eyes look into my green ones. "Don't be like that with your mom, Alicia. You don't know how long you'll have her for." Her voice was hushed and gentle, I've never heard her like this before. Her speaking reminds me of what would have happened a week and a half ago, making me want to lean in to her. Then I remembered what happened between her and Lindsay, and I furrow my eyebrows at her. "Don't look at me like that, I didn't do anything to you." Her thumbs started to rub on my bare arms comfortingly, but they stop seconds after it started. A whine escapes from my throat when it does stop, I wanted her to continue. "Alicia, just stay cool with your mother, alright. I don't like it when you yell."

My mind goes wild as I lose myself in her light, caring eyes, which I never see. I didn't notice I was leaning in until Elyza removed her hands from my arms, walking away and into the house. I am left with the feeling of rejection. My heart feels as if it has been stabbed, how could someone make me feel this pain, but then again make me feel light and happy, loved again.

I walk back into the house and go up the stairs, planning on seeing Lindsay. I've only talked to her twice. When I get up there Chris is sitting on the edge of the bed, Lindsay and Chris are both laughing. I lean up against the doorway and take in the sight since they didn't notice me. Chris's hand is on her leg, Lindsay's hand on top of his, drawing nonsense with one of her fingers. It is adorable, I like seeing Chris happy, he needed someone to come into his life, and this girl must have been a miracle. I clear my throat at their silence. Chris turns around and sees me, quickly moving his hand from Lindsay, blush flushes into his cheeks. I can't help but smile at his adorable dork self. Chris gets up from the bed and walks towards me, heading out the door. I gave him a 'nice job' wink before he walked out, he returned with a thank you smile.

I turn towards Lindsay who is giving me a watchful glare. "Surprised to see the Princess come up to see me."

Heat rises to my cheeks, the only person who can call me princess is Elyza and Elyza only, but I calm myself down, "Please, don't call me that. I just came up here to talk. Why are you so hostile towards me? I practically saved your life a week and a half ago."

Surviving: Elyza the Zombie Slayer {Lexark AU} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now