IX: The Angel

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Warning, Rated R for Really Gay and Really Sexual •°•°•°•

"Life is tough, my darling, but so are you"


Everything happened so fast. The sound of a gun being shot and my need to run into the room that it came from. An unfamiliar name ran through my head as I ran to the door that was unguarded. Another shot as I opened the door and an excruciating pain that spread through my stomach. I looked at a girl with greasy blonde hair, but somehow felt sadness as she said a name that was unfamiliar. The heaviness of my breathing was followed by me falling to the ground.

I jolted up out of my sleep, breathing hard and holding my stomach like my life depended on it. Elyza also jolted up from my sudden actions. "Hey, hey, hey." she said soothingly. It was far from soothing in my mind, it sounded a little bit like the girl in my dream. I started to panic. A hand made its way to my back and rubbed gently on the bare skin under my shirt. "It was just a dream, don't worry, Alicia, I'm here." Another hand made its way to the side of my head, pulling me to Elyza, her lips go to my temple and she whispers. "Everything is all right, you've got me."

My breathing still short and choppy, chest heaving. My thoughts don't calm, the next thing I thought about was that day, what had happened to us.

Elyza and I were on a small supply hunt. We entered a store that seemed to be safe. Seemed to be safe, but right behind an unbarred door was a huge group of walkers. I used my sword to kill a lot of them, and Elyza had used her shotgun to kill a large number, but there were too many. Elyza had grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to the door, telling me to go, but I wasn't leaving her behind. I was not leaving her behind, I stayed there, both swords in hand and not backing away from the fight. Elyza had walker hands on her while she was reloading. I had grabbed Elyza and pulled her away, my blade sliced three walkers heads clean off as I pushed Elyza to the door.

I told her to run, I told myself to run, but something grabbed my ankle making me fall, the blade of my sword cut into my arm as I fell to the ground, falling on my left hand sword. I screamed out in pain as I heard multiple gunshots, rapid gunshots. The grip on my ankle released and I had pushed myself up off the ground, grabbed my sword and ran with Elyza out of the store, to her bike. She handed me her white revolver, told me to shoot any that came out while she got things situated. I shot without thinking about anything, not the recoil, not the vibration that jolts up both of my arms, making pain shoot up my left arm, not even where I aimed, I got lucky with all the shots though, or did I have it down from practice. Elyza grabbed me by my left arm, making me scream out in pain, she told me to get on, she rushed me. I got on and she didn't give me time to situate myself, she was off.

My body had replaced the pain of my arm with adrenaline at the time. Elyza had stopped in an alley to look at my arm, but she couldn't really do anything until we got to the house. I had lost a lot of blood, it soaked my favorite plaid shirt. I cried out and Elyza had seen how pale I was getting, I saw it in a store window. She quickly fixed herself and got to the house and fixed me up.

"Alicia, slow your breathing before you make yourself sick." I looked at Elyza with wide, scared eyes. She looked back at me, her eyes bright in the dark, and they looked worried, "It's okay princess, I'm here." She whispered to me, still rubbing my back soothingly, her fingers cold on my hot, clammy skin. "Lay back down princess." I started to shake my head, but Elyza wasn't giving me an option. "Alicia, lay back down.

I did as she said, facing her and staying off my left arm, because it hurts like hell. Elyza moved closer to me and wrapped her arms around my waist, her free arm rubbed my back underneath my shirt still. My head was snuggled up against her chest. She left her lips in my hair, leaving a kiss linger. "Elyza?"

Surviving: Elyza the Zombie Slayer {Lexark AU} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now