VIII: Some Adventure

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"And I don't mind if we take our time, 'cause I'm all yours if you're all mine."


Waking up to Alicia in my arms is the highlight of everyday anymore. She is never up before me anymore. I sit there and watch her sleep like I'm watching clouds roll by or looking at stars in the night sky. Her hair is usually in her face so I have to be gentle when I move it out of her face. When the hair is out of her face she looks like an angel, her face ten times younger in her sleep, her full pink lips slightly parted, and no emotions to over take her face. It reveals how perfect she is, and how lucky I am to have her. I move my hand to her cheek, lightly sitting it on her face, glad she didn't wake. My thumb slowly rolled around on her cheekbone, making her fuss in her sleep. A smile pulls across her face, but it fades when she stops fussing.

Nick was wrong when he said Alicia would never fall for me. I had asked him what he thought about Alicia and I being a thing a week ago. He said he didn't mind, but Alicia was into guys. I guess I proved that he was wrong three days ago when I practically took her on a date. I had told him about my plans that whole week I was away for a while, Nick had asked me why I had been gone so much. He said he would try to help, if I helped him with firing a gun. The day Alicia had practically yelled her feelings for me at Lindsay was when I was going to tell Alicia my feelings. But Travis told me to go on a supply hunt for Nick, but Nick refused for Alicia and I to go and risk our lives for him and that when he ran out he wasn't asking for more, he would rather "withdraw a billion times then make us risk our lives for him," were his exact words. Then he told me that it was time to use my plan.

Now Alicia and I are always in each others arms as we sleep. It feels like I'm being wrapped in angel wings as Alicia's arms lightly sling around me. She is so beautiful. But there is a dorky adorable side to her that I love. It makes me smile when all of the weight of this worlds worst days lightens off of her shoulders and makes her goof around. The other day she decided it would be a great idea to stand up on the back of my motorcycle as I drove down the road, holding onto my shoulders, singing California Girls. The same day she stripped down to her bra and underwear and danced around in our room as we listened to her dorky music, and soon enough she made me join her, telling me to strip with her, but I got a little self conscious about it and told her I would rather leave my clothes on. Then my dancing got awkward and I just sat down on the bed and watch her be a dork and laugh at her. Dancing is another thing I cannot do, but it wasn't major. 

Alicia fussed in her sleep again, making me smile. I put my forehead against hers and our noses brushed against each others, "Good mourning, sleepy head." I said to her softly so I didn't startle her. Her eyes fluttered open and her forest green eyes lock with my eyes, she smiles at me. "So, you ready to take on the world today."

She sighed, "I'd rather stay in the bed with you all day, but I don't think we have that option, do we?" A small laugh escapes from my lips as I plant my lips on her forehead, shaking my head slightly. She breathed in sharply as I moved my lips away from her forehead. She stretched and made an exaggerated getting ready for the day groan, making me laugh.

"Hey, be quiet before someone thinks your groans are from something else." I said with a laugh.

She smiled and got up from the bed, "Let them think that. It just shows how immature some peoples minds are!" She stressed the last words, saying them loudly so that people could hear, or at least I think they heard.

I laughed and got up from the bed, walking over to Alicia who was standing by the window to our room. My hands roam to her sides as I come up behind her, feeling her bare skin on my fingers, and sliding my hands to her stomach, slowly pulling her closer to me, our bodies like puzzle pieces, or puzzle pieces to me. I took one of my hands and moved her long brunette curls to her left shoulder, moving my hand back to her stomach and resting my chin on her right shoulder. I see a smile pull across her face when she turns to look at me, I smile back at her. I feel her shiver when my breath hits her neck. 

Surviving: Elyza the Zombie Slayer {Lexark AU} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now