IV: Why Do You Care?

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"1 universe, 9 planets, 204 counties, 809 islands, 7 seas, and I had the privilege of meeting you."


"I think we're here, princess." I say turning around as far as I can to look at her, she isn't listening, I rev the engine of my bike to get her attention. I take my sunglasses off, "Alicia, are you okay."

She nods her head, getting off the motorcycle, and walking up to the gate. I decided to follow her, kicking the kickstand down and jogging up to her. Alicia is staring at an intercom, her finger on a button, but not pressing it. She turns toward me, a tear escapes from her eye and slowly flows down her cheek. She wasn't sad because she was smiling. I'm startled when her arms wrap around my neck, then a happy feeling flows through my body. I return her hug, wrapping my arms around her waist."Thank you, Elyza. How can I repay you?" Alicia says, muffled from her mouth being on my shoulder as she speaks.

"Just hold me a little longer." She was about to pull away from me when she heard me whisper that into her ear, but my arms wrap a little tighter around her. I don't want to loss this girl, even if she was acting like a bitch and a child today. I can't stay mad at her for long, something about her makes me feel loved, even if she doesn't like me like that. When I had her up against the wall with a knife to her throat, I couldn't will myself to even harm her, even though I've been trained not to worry about harming people you barely now. But, I felt like I knew her, some way, some how, I knew her.

"Are you alright?" Alicia asked, softly speaking into my ear.

I nodded, not moving away from her. "I just haven't had anyone to hold in a while." my voice was soft and low, if it wasn't I think I would break down in tears. It's been months since my parents and girlfriend have been gone and I haven't had time to mourn them. I try not to dwell on the past, it is not a great idea to do during this time. After quite sometime, I let go and pull away from her. "Thanks, I needed that, Alicia."

"Anytime Elyza, you're my only friend in this terribly fucked up world." Alicia says with a smile, in which I return. As long as I'm something to her, then I'm fine with being a friend. Alicia turns back around to the intercom, pressing the button, "It's me, mom. Let me in." She releases the button in which you hear a woman say Alicia. They buzz us through, the metal gate slides open, making little to no noise. Alicia turns back to me with a smile, "Bring your bike."

I almost forgot my motorcycle was running, what a waste of gasoline, "No, I should go." I refused going in, her parents wouldn't want me to join for a second.

"Elyza, come on, it's safer in here. Just stay for a little while." Alicia gives me a puppy dog face that actually kind of works on me.

I sigh, walking over to my bike, turning it off, and pushing it forward into the gate. The gate eventually closes behind Alicia and I. The drive way wasn't long. When we got to the bottom I saw a truck and a sedan parked right by each other. I park my motorcycle beside the truck, which has a cracked windshield and rust in many places. The Sedan looks like an old ladies car, it's a dark bluish grey and has four doors, who just has one of those right now, I could hot-wire a better car for them that is better on gas than that thing. When I get the bike in an okay position, I take the key out of the ignition and put it in my pocket, walking back to where I last seen Alicia.

Alicia was there, but she wasn't alone. I saw a woman, her mother probably, hugging her close. I smile at the image. I remember when my mother did that to me. My mother got angry with me at times, but we would always make up with a hug. When I got terrible grades for not doing any homework, she didn't even argue with me, saying yelling at me wasn't going to make me do my homework, and gave me a hug, saying she didn't know what else to do. When I told her I wanted to join the military, she excepted my decision, and I felt proud when she gave me a really big hug. The worst of everything was when I came clean, telling her I was gay, it was hard for me, she didn't quite understand why, my dad got pissed when he found out. They eventually excepted their little girl was a lesbian, my mom excepted it the very next day, but my dad was stubborn. My dad still loved me throughout the time he refused the thought of me being into girls, but he would always look at me differently. That was until he saw me come home from Marine Corp. a year and a half later, only for about a month, and hugged me on the spot, telling me how sorry he was for not agreeing with my decisions. Even though my moms hugs were what I loved most about my parents, my dads hugs were the best, but they were rare.

Surviving: Elyza the Zombie Slayer {Lexark AU} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now