VI: Lindsay Rave

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"I want you. All of you. Your flaws. Your mistakes. Your imperfections. I want you, and only you."


I arrive at our refuge in record time. The girl was crying out in pain the whole time, making me speed up faster with each cry I heard. When I hit the brakes on my motorcycle the back wheel skids to the side in the gravel, making me quickly grab the girl just in case we fall off the bike. We were fine after that, well I was fine, the girl was still crying out in pain. "Madison, I need your help." I yelled out to the house that we were living in, which surprisingly the front door was wide open. "Travis, Madison, someone, help me please." I yelled again, still not getting a response. I groan, I know someone is here.

"Please, just get me off of this thing." The girl said, her head laying on the handle bars, she's exhausted from the pain. I kick the motorcycle kickstand down and get off, receiving another cry from the girl.

"Here." I grab her by her sides to steady her, she weakly throws one of her arms around my shoulder, "If this hurts, I'm sorry." I say, grabbing her behind her knee so I can get her off the motorcycle and into my arms to carry her in. Again there was another cry. I get her other leg onto my arm, carrying her bridal style to the house.

She rested her head on my shoulder as I walked toward the door. How did this happen to her? "Thank you, not many people would have helped, but that Alicia girl seems to care a lot, you must be lucky to have her." She says, I look at her pale complexion from her pain.

My mind runs wild, must be lucky to have her. I didn't know I had her. Alicia doesn't like me like that. "We aren't a thing." I say sharply. I know I was close to kissing her, but Alicia would have moved away if our lips were centimeters apart. When I walk into the door of the house I start calling names, "Madison, Ofelia, Nick, Chris, anyone here."

That is when I see Chris come down the stairs, his eyes widen when he sees the girl, "What happened to Alicia."

"It's not Alicia." I say, where the hell did he get Alicia out of this girl, they looked nothing alike. I'm not saying the girl wasn't pretty, she just doesn't look like Alicia, other than the hair maybe.

Chris comes over to the girl, "Here, I've got her." He said, his arms outstretched to take the girl. The girl moans with exhaustion, she didn't want to be swapped, but my arms were getting tired. "Where is Alicia, Elyza?" Chris said, as the girl wrapped her arms around Chris's neck. I tried to pass her off gently and he tried to take her carefully, but it didn't help, she still cried in pain.

"She is with, um, um... I didn't get your name, what is it." I looked at the girl who looked at me.

"Lindsay, Lindsay Rave." She said meekly.

"She's with Lindsay's brother, walking back with the supplies we got, I hope they make it back safe." That is when I start to panic. What if something happens to Alicia, or has already happened? What if I never see her again, "Chris I have to go, I have to go find Alicia."

Chris grabs my wrist with his hand that was under the girls legs. "Elyza, don't worry, Alicia isn't an idiot, if she's got a weapon, she'll use it if she needs to." I turn toward Chris who gives me a small smile, "Alicia's strong, she'll make it back, I promise."

"I saw the guns you guys had and my brother know's how to use one, Alicia's safe with him." Lindsay says with shuttered breaths, I was about to protest, but Lindsay let out a painful yell.

"Get her upstairs in a bed." I said to Chris, he doesn't hesitate, he turns around and heads up the stairs. I follow, one thing that being a marine teaches you is how to dress wounds and repair breaks, especially since I originally was a nurse. Chris takes her into his room, which is a bed made for one. I strip off all the covers, except for the sheet that covered the mattress and Chris lays her down on it gently, making sure not to touch her leg. "Alright Chris, I'm going to need you to find me bandages, the two straightest and unbreakable sticks you can find and and possibly some of Nick's medicine." I turn toward Lindsay and see she has pants on, that will get in the way of seeing what the hell I'm working with, I can't tell if the break is just small or really needs treatment, "Oh, and possibly a pair of Alicia's shorts, unless she would prefer me cutting her pants leg."

Surviving: Elyza the Zombie Slayer {Lexark AU} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now