XII: Insanity

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"If my absence doesn't altar your life, then my presence has no meaning in it"


I was finally out of bed and walking on my own. Thank god, I thought I was going to go insane laying on that bed upstairs. But it did have its perks. Like a lot of alone time with Alicia, but that was only if she was home. Spending more time with friends like Lindsay and laughing our asses off after a stupid joke either one of us makes. I also played some new board game Alicia found for Aden and I. But Aden is mostly outside with Lindsay, Nick, or Ofelia, playing catch, whether it was a baseball or a new found football Nick found while on a supply run.

Aden has been calling people by aunt, uncle, or mom, which was Alicia and I. Aunt Lynn, or Lindsay is kind of his only aunt. Ofelia considers herself a family friend. Nick and Chris are both his uncles, even though Chris is two years older. Chris seems to handle being called uncle fairly well. Nick hasn't been so down about having no one lately, because of Aden and they seem to get along well.

Lately though, Aden has been a little mouthy. He always wants to learn how to use a weapon and I keep telling him I'll teach him when my leg is better. The other day he said he wanted to go on a supply run. Neither Alicia, nor I, wanted him to go, because he wasn't ready, that was our excuse. To be honest though, Alicia and I didn't want to put Aden into any danger. Is it wrong for us to feel that? I mean, I love Aden like he's my son, I can't risk losing mine and Alicia's only kid. Then he tends to storm off when he gets mad at us for telling him no. Then I remind myself that I use to be like that and that he is returning to normal. Was the little kid stage just a coping mechanism for him. I'm starting to think so, because he hasn't cried about his father.

Today Alicia and I are going scouting. We are trying to find a gas station, because the one nearest to us ran out, along with cars around here. I told them they needed to stop with so much scouting and looting, but they didn't listen. So, now it is up to Alicia and I to find a gas station. I planned taking my motorcycle since I haven't seen it in two weeks.

"Hey mom, can I go with you?" Aden was sitting right beside me as I put on my boots.

"What did Alicia say?" I gave him a questioning look.

"No." He sighed.

"Then why would you ask me? You know my answer will be the same." I looked back at him, not losing my patience, even though he hasn't given me a reason to lose my patience.

"I don't know, I just want to get out of this house." He was looking me in the eyes, his icy blues met my ocean blue. There was a small clash between those colors for a second.

"And you will, after I teach you how to use a gun and that knife, you will." I had pointed to the knife on his side. "Now, come here." I had opened my arms for a hug, which he gladly excepted. Then he pulled away from the hug. "Alright, I'll see you in a bit Aden. Go give mom a hug before we leave."

Aden got up from where he was sitting and went upstairs. I continued to tie my boots. When I finished tying my boots I noticed Madison came up to me.

"I never thought that my eighteen year old daughter would have a son, let alone him be four years younger that her." She gave me a smile.

"I never thought I would be a mom. I mean, have you seen me." I pointed to my piercings.

She laughed, "Hey, don't judge a book by its cover. You may look like you could kill a man, but you're a good person."

Surviving: Elyza the Zombie Slayer {Lexark AU} (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant