XVI: To Infinity

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Warning, Rated R for Really Gay and Really Sexual, again •°•°•°•

"My youth is yours"


I've been working with Aden these past weeks on using his weapons. I think I'm going to figure out how to smith a blade for him. It's kind of hard to do so with this shit. But, he needs a better weapon and I've already been working on it. I found a sketch book and started drawing up plans for it, but I have a feeling we won't be here in this house too long. First off, if Alicia and I keep bringing home more people, then we're going to run out of room. Second, resources around us are running out and it doesn't help that we're practically sharing with the Fortress Men. Third, the Fortress Men.

The fact that Rick was a Fortress Man makes me shady about him, but he is usually all for helping out around the place. He tends to help Travis if there is anything wrong with the electrical wiring, and other things. He started checking all the wiring, just in case. He loves cracking jokes that I think are funny, so, I'm the only one that laughs at them. They're those one jokes that aren't supposed to be a laughing matter, they're more like reality jokes. So, everyone looks at me like I'm fucking nuts.

While Alicia is still healing, I've taken Aden out to kill walkers here and there. We usually have fun and come back smiling with walker blood covering our clothing. Again, everyone looks at me like I'm fucking nuts, but really I'm just trying to have fun. It is fun killing walkers when there is nothing to do and no type of worry on your shoulders. It started just as practice, but now it's all fun and games. Who can kill the most in five minutes, how many heads can we take off, how many can we get to follow us. Because we're immune, we don't have to worry or be afraid. I'm not saying a bite won't hurt like hell, but still, Aden and I kind of gotten use to walkers.

Madison and Travis haven't been fighting, which is good. But when one thing stops another thing starts. Alicia and I have had some arguments that get pretty heated sometimes. Usually they're about Aden and I going out to kill walkers. It's not safe. That's all you do. Why can't you just stay here for a day and help me out? Sometimes we argue about things I do intentionally just to aggravate her, like not answering her question until she asks three times or some stupid shit like that. Then there are the "you now this argument is going to get heated" arguments. When Aden came back with a gash in his head and a huge cut on his arm, I already new what would wait for me when we got home. After I fixed him up, cleaned his wounds and bandaged them, Alicia was waiting for me upstairs after seeing his wounds from downstairs. She started off yelling at me, I tried to stay collected with her, but then she got louder, I was pretty sure everyone in the house could hear it. We ended up yelling at each other for about an hour. Eventually I just gave up with her arguing and stormed out of the room. I ended up sleeping on the couch that night, or a week, because I didn't want to face another argument.

Usually after an argument I talk to Maria or Lindsay. Mostly Lindsay though, since I know her better. And talking to Maria always ends up badly, because she doesn't like Alicia much, and even if I don't have an argument with Alicia she still says shit about her. So I end up defending Alicia even if we did get into an argument and yell at Maria for talking shit. But Maria still has respect for me.

Now Aden and I are out killing walkers in silence. Must be great for these fuckers to be able to cheat death. I wasn't planning on getting into a game with them anyway. Mostly because I was in a pissy mood from a fight Alicia and I had earlier. Right now I was trying to forget about it and let out all my anger. Aden must notice my tension, because usually he talks to me while we're killing walkers.

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