V: Guns, Power, and Trust

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"The best proof of love is trust."


"Get up girls, were going on a supply run." I hear my mother say, making sure to make as much noise as possible so that we wake up. I grumble at how much sleep I didn't get. Elyza and I got into a card game that she taught me, we didn't go to bed until the sun rose. "Oh and happy birthday, Alicia."

I turn to look at my mom, she's still standing there, "Today's my birthday?" I haven't been keeping track of the days.

"Yeah, now get up, birthday girl, and get ready." My mom says with a smile.

I look around the room with sluggishness, the white walls to bright for my eyes. A bed that was different, but better than the blue one that Elyza and I had shared nearly two months ago. We had to move away from the house by the coast, we moved further into California, no ocean to be found. We were in a fairly secluded house, and the trip to a city was about a thirty minute drive. Supply runs were always my favorite time. It meant time alone for a little while. Elyza and I always were a group together, sometimes Ofelia would join us, because she didn't want to stay at the house or go with her father. When the group is just me and Elyza we tend to take to long because we get side tracked by the stuff in stores, or start to mess around. Sometimes we even come back with nonsense stuff, like the deck of cards we were playing with all night.

Ofelia and Elyza got close, they hang out more often. Elyza told me she was just a friend, but I tend to tease her about it. Usually my teasing her is balanced out with her and Nick teasing me, along with teasing Chris. Chris and I are practically brother and sister anymore, we both can't stand Travis and we tend to fight over stupid shit like brother and sister. Nick doesn't think that that is what our relationship is though.

"Good morning, princess, happy birthday." I'm startled when I hear Elyza's voice, her Aussie accent sounding sluggish and low. She started to say more, but was cut off by a yawn, making me yawn.

"Thanks, Elyza. Hey, we're going on a supply run today." I said, sitting up as quick as possible. I was way to excited for the supply run.

"What has got you hoppier than a kangaroo." Elyza asked with a laugh. Sometimes her Australian lingo makes me laugh, sometimes it's confusing.

"Because, supply runs are fun." I smile at her, making her smile. Then she groans and falls back onto the bed, shoving her face into the pillow. I laugh, just like me, she's still tired, "Come on Elyza, get up and get your clothes on."

"No, five more minutes." Elyza's voice was muffled by the pillow.

"No, you're getting up now." I told her, pulling the covers from her body, which I was met with bare legs. Elyza started wearing shorts to bed a while ago since it started getting hot out.

Elyza grabs the covers and we start playing tug of war with them. "Give it back." She whined. I shake my head no, pulling harder on the blanket. Eventually, I get them from her hands, throwing them down on the ground. She gives me a glare. Then she tackles me to the bed and starts tickling me. I can barely breath, I'm laughing so hard.

"Elyza..." I cry out needing a breath of air. "Stop... I can't... breathe." I begged her.

"Nope, I need a sorry." she said laughing at the torture she is putting me through.

"I'm... I'm sorry." I said in between laughs.

"Why are you sorry?" Elyza asked, I knew she wasn't going to let me off that easy.

Surviving: Elyza the Zombie Slayer {Lexark AU} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now