Onwards and Outwards

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(Wolfie/Jacob POV)

Today started like any other day would... But we had camp.

"Ugh, Whyyy" Andy exclaimed as we got into the bus. "Dude, Don't worry man. Its gonna be fun" I replied with a smile "That's a total lie" Micah replied.

Today is the first day of camp, and i'm somehow totally hyped about it ( Even though I said it was gonna be hell ) "So you sure you're okay?" I asked Micah as we sat down. "Yeah... Since I beat you last night" She replied with a smirk. "No you did not, I was just sleepy that's all" I replied as an excuse. "Yeah yeah" Micah replied with a sarcastic tone.

As the bus took off Micah started to fall asleep and Andy was busy playing on his phone. "Hey Andy" I whispered "You think Micah's alright?". "Of course dude" he whispered back "She's a strong person emotionally and... Non-Emotionally". "Yeah, you're right" I whispered as I looked at a now asleep Micah."I wonder how's she even sleepy when it's the middle of the day." Asked the curious Andy "She probably kept going over the list of things she needed for camp or she just stayed up late for a Korean Drama Marathon." I simply explained.

About an hour and a half later we arrived at the camp grounds. "Welp, Here we are!" Andy exclaimed as he looked out the bus window. "Hey sleepy-head, we're here." I said as I nudged Micah. "W-Wait what?" She asked while waking up. "We're. Here." I replied. "O-Oh".

(Andy POV)

As I got down the bus I caught a glimpse of the girl who stole my heart, breath and surprisingly my clumsiness away. "H-Hey Sam" I managed to stutter. "Oh, Hey Andy!" She replied. Just hearing her voice makes me melt in the inside.

(Micah POV)

We successfully made it to camp.
(I sorta wished we didn't.) We were greeted by the warm welcomes of the counsellors. Since it was a camp about the wilderness, they introduced themselves with their favourite animals.  After the introduction, we were told to put down our luggage and all the other stuff then report to the counter to find out our groups and which movement we belonged to.

"Dammit." I cursed underneath my breath as i checked to see that three of us were in different groups."At least Andy and I are in the same movement." I thought.

I looked down at the ground with disappointment.I was making my way to the gather supplies for the tent.It was tough managing to carry all the pieces as they were all big and bulky.I slowly walked to the perfect spot for my tent but on my way, I dropped a part of the tent.I struggled to pick it up but a hand suddenly appeared to my aid.

He bent down to snatch the piece and soon a tall, slender figure stood in front of me."You look like you're in a sticky situation, need some help? " he asked me as his fingers ran through his golden brown hair. "No thanks, I can handle it by myself." I replied coldly. "Damn, you're a feisty one aren't you? The more I insist to help." He said as a cheeky smirk formed.He took all my equipment with ease."Lead the way Miss Sasha Fierce." "This way kind sir,I advise you to not get lost." I led him to the spot and he helped me set up camp.
"The name's Kai." He said while gesturing for a handshake. I swatted his hand away and replied "Call me Micah." He chuckled softly and said to me "I'll see you soon,Micah." "Like I'll ever be able to not spot you Kai." I let out a small snort and he laughed harder. "That was a cute snort, didn't know you had an inner pig inside of ya." He joked. "SHHHHH, let's pretend you didn't hear that k?" I tried to look serious but the huge smile on my face was a dead giveaway.

(Wolfie/Jacob POV)

"Yo, Kai!" I shouted as I saw a familiar figure. "Oh, Sup Jacob!" He shouted back. As I ran toward Kai for a handshake I was able to catch a glimpse of a very red Micah. "Hey Micah! You alright?" I asked. "W-Wait, U-uhh Hi Wolfie!" Micah shouted as if she snapped out of a trance. "Yo Jacob you know Little Ms. Adorable here?" Asked Kai. Micah blushed even more. "And Wolfie?". "Heh, She and my other best friend wanted to give me a nickname and they created the name Wolfie. That name stuck with me ever since that moment." I explained. "W-Wait W-Wolfie you know Kai?!?" Micah exclaimed. "Yeah, I met him during the sports camp I went to during the summer" I replied. "Yeah, me and this numbskull were in the same group, and it seems we're in the same group again" Kai said as he raised his fist up indicating a fist bump. "Awesome!" I exclaimed as I returned a fist bump.

A few minutes after a brief introduction of our past to Micah, Kai had to set his tent up. "Anyways, See you later dude!"

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