Humanities Week

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                                                                                              (Micah POV)

"Seriously i don't get this" exclaimed Samuel in a frustrated tone.

"You don't get anything cause you're a bone head."I lightly explained.

"Says the one who's the most clueless in math."Samuel retorted while sticking a tongue out.

I just shrug it off and said "It's humanities week so each lesson we're having either Language ,Arts,History,Religious Studies and even more."

"That means we'll be stuck with the wolf and everyone else,limiting our time together." he says in a disappointed voice.

I look up to him and forcefully pulled his shirt down causing him to bend down making it easier for me to kiss him,I gave him a small peck on his cheek just to cheer him up.It seemed to have worked as his face forms his trademarked mischievous smile and he pulls me back into his arms attacking me with  buttloads of kisses.

He then pulls away and stares at me.His eyes seemed to be taking a mental picture of me slowly  imprinted into his brain.It wasps if he was gonna miss me for no apparent reason.He grabbed me into one of his famous warm hugs before we make it in the classroom to be greeted by Wolfie,Brandon,Samantha and Andy.

(Samuel POV)

"Hey guysssss" sang Andy and Samantha in unison.
"Good morning" chimed in Brandon.
"Yo" Jacob greeted.

"Good morning guys,we'll be in all of the same classes this week.Im pretty excited!" Micah replied with her classical twirl and smile.

Me being me,I put on a forced enthusiastic expression and said "I'm excited as well"

"We better get seated cause Miss Grumpy Pants is coming soon." Said Samantha followed by a deep sigh.
"She looses her temper quite quickly doesn't she?" Micah questioned soon to be given words of agreement from both Andy and Jacob.

"Who is this person you speak of?" Asked Brandon as he was as confused as I was.
The door slammed open and in came a stern looking lady.

Everyone was quiet as she made her way to the teachers desk.She quickly scribbled down on the blackboard while screaming "IM MS. DUMANI AND I WILL NOT TOLERATE DISOBEDIENT STUDENTS,THEY SHALL BE PUT INTO DETENTION"

"This teacher needs to take a chill one each time she opens that mouth of hers."I whisper into Micah's ears causing her to giggle uncontrollably.

Ms.Dumani shifted her eyes to Micah and asked her to stand up.
"What's so funny?" She asked giving Micah the death glare.
"Um...nothing Miss.." Micah replied with a timid tone.
"That's detention for you young lady."
She said as she dotted down some letters on a pink slip and handed it to Micah.
"Miss if you're still wondering about  what's funny...just look into a mirror."
Wolfie lightly said as a smirk formed into his face.Snickers filled the room and Ms.Dumani banging on the wooden desk perched in front of her to silence them.
"DETENTION FOR YOU AS WELL YOU PRICK." She abruptly handed Wolfie a pink slip.
Oh no. This isn't good.It'll just be them two in detention,can't let that happen. I have to do something.
"Gee teach,if you keep banging onto the poor desk like that with your gorilla hands,I'm afraid it'll break."
She stared at me mortified and took a glance at her hands....just saying they were really hairy.
Her face was puffing red as she slammed the slip on my desk.

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