Storm's A Brewin

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                                                                        (Samuel POV)

We settled by the bench near the oak tree.The Micah who stood tall and confronted her bully,was now quivering. She didn't want anyone to notice so she hid under her leather jacket. She inhaled deeply through her lungs and her smile re-appeared.She looked up to both Brandon and I asking for our schedules. She let another sigh slip out. "Looks like the Perverted Prince has all the same classes as I do."
"Why do you look so disappointed?The more we'll get to know each other,the better."I said, trying to cheer her up in a subtle way.
"I think I already know too much about you,thank you very much." She replied while studying Brandon's schedule.
"What do you even know about me?" I questioned
"I know that you're a pervert." She said in a as-a-matter-of-factly tone.
I was about to say something but then she went on talking
"Brandon,you have the same schedule as Andy and Wolfie so don't worry and just follow these two around.We're all classmates in Biology,History and Geography so I look forward to being classmates with you."She gave him one of those stunning smiles she had,causing both me and Wolfie to scowl and frown.
A few moments later the bell rang and off to class I went with Micah by my side.
"So we have Math next ey?" I asked,hoping to start a conversation with her.
"Yes and I'm surprised that a person like you could make it to the top set.I didn't know your obnoxiousness provided you with a functional brain-"
She paused to look at me, truly hurt by her comment.
"Oh,I'm sorry Samuel.I didn't mean to offend you."
"Nah it's fine,you can apologise by giving me a hug <3"
"Why would I want to hug a perverted prince like you?"
"So you admit that I'm a prince?"
"The frog prince."
"Wow,your words hurt me sooo much"
We shared a few laughs then Micah suddenly stops in the hallway.
"Samuel,thank you for helping me up back then.We just met today but you treated me very gently and I'm glad that I've got a friend like you.So thank you."she says as she gives me a hug. What's cute is that she had to tiptoe just to reach my height.I caught a whim of her scent. She smelled like roses.It wasn't a strong scent,it was soft and relaxing.Easing all my nerves causing me to relax.While she was in my arms,she seemed so small and fragile,like if I did something wrong,she'd break.So I made sure that I'll always be there to protect her.
She looked up on me and smiled.
I want to be able to protect that genuine smile of her's.

Math went by fast cause I kept tossing notes to Micah's desk which was across from mine.We somehow managed not to get caught by Ms. Winn.
Her hair style was just like Dora's and her English was so bad,It just makes you wonder how she even made it here.

I now know a few more things about Micah.

1.When she's thinking she likes to chew  her pen.

2.She wears glasses ONLY during lessons.(Making her look like a nerd,which was just adorable)

3.Her pencil case basically has any colour of pen,It amazes me.

4.She likes doodling random stuff (as I've seen in her notes) just to cure her boredom.

5.She has big handwriting but it's neat and quirky at the same time.

~Time Skip~

(Brandon POV)

Today is the fifteenth day of our transfer and it seems that Micah is more interested in talking to either Jacob or Samuel... I must find a way to get her attention. I walk around campus looking for Jacob for advice on how to get her attention. "Oh, Its Simple." He replied. "You just simply... Be yourself!". "But how do you be yourself?" I asked. "You just... Do whatever you usually do" He replied. The bell rang. "Oh Dude, We gotta go! Its PE next!" He exclaimed. "I'll be right behind you" I replied. "Huh, Suit yourself." He replied. He then ran to class. Hmm, Be yourself... I think i've got it!

After a gruesome lesson of PE we went to hit the showers. I went in and out as fast as Andy could run for his girlfriend (which is very fast). I made a mad dash to grab a guitar from the music room and ran towards the cafeteria (where Micah is usually located). I looked around the cafeteria and found her. Luckily she was alone. So I walked towards her. "Oh hi Brandon, where's Wolfie, Andy and Samuel? And why do you have a guitar?" She asked. "Well, I don't know where the others are but I do know what to do with this guitar." I replied sitting beside her.

(Micah POV)

He sat beside me and started playing the guitar. His emerald eyes looking at me straight in the eye. He then started to sing.

As he finished his song I merely applauded him. "That was a beautiful song Brandon." I said patting him on the back. "But why are you doing this?" I asked. "Well" He replied "I'm doing this because... I think I love you.". I sighed. "I'm flustered and all Brandon, But Brandon, I only like you as a friend." I replied in a apologetic tone. "Sometime in the future I might give you a chance, but right now. I'm not interested." I continued.

(Brandon POV)

"Well, it was worth a shot!" I exclaimed with a smile.

(Wolfie POV)

Its been weeks since Samuel's and Brandon's arrival. And today, I'm planning on telling Micah I love her afterschool. After all the lessons of suffering, Me, Andy and Brandon were waiting for Micah and Samuel."Psst Andy" I whispered. "Yeah?" He replied. "I'm planning on telling Micah today." I answered. "Tell her what?" He asked. "I'm going to tell her I love her you butt." I replied. "Really? Well good luck man!" He whispered back. "Heh, Thanks du-" "WOLFIE!!" My sentence was interrupted by a familiar voice. I turned around to see who it was. It was Micah and with Samuel walking right behind her. I scowled at Samuel. "Aww, the poor little wolf cub is trying to scare me" He said comparing my height to his. "Well" I replied. "This 'Poor Little Wolf Cub' here has got a bite" I replied with a growl. "Cut it out you guys" Andy said punching my shoulder. "But he started it" We said in unison. Micah chuckled behind Andy.

(Micah POV)

As Andy ended Wolfie's and Samuel's little banter, Wolfie looked towards me. "Micah, I gotta talk to you in private" He said. "I've also gotta talk to you in private" I replied. "Well then, lets go.". As we left I was able to see a scowling Brandon and Samuel and a confused Andy. We walked towards a nearby oak tree where no-one was around. "I gotta tell you something important." Wolfie said in a serious tone. "But you can go first." He continued. "Well, Samuel asked me out!" I exclaimed jumping up and down.

(Wolfie POV)

"Samuel asked me out!" She exclaimed.
My heart broke. "And you said?" I asked wishing that she said no. "Yes! You silly." She replied with a smile. A wave of sadness suddenly overcame me... And to think that I was going to tell her I loved her. "So Wolfie, What were you gonna say?" She asked. I tried to keep my cool and replied. "I was going to tell you that..." I hesitated and changed my sentence. "That i'm happy for you two." I continued. "Aww, Thanks Wolfie!" She replied giving me a hug. Looks like I won't be confessing anytime sooner.

(Brandon POV)

Looks Like I Lost this Game too, Good game Samuel, good game

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