Rollercoaster of Emotions

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(Wolfie POV)

They kissed.

The pain grows larger within my heart.
The good guys never win do they?

I walked towards the opposite direction.
I hear screeching.

Suddenly, black.

I am on a rollercoaster, one that never stops
It is called Emotion

I see her sitting in the seat in front of me. I see her smile. She feels happy. I am in the seat behind. The ends of my mouth point down. I am not happy.

I see a steep track rolling up towards the sky.
Written within the tracks it spells "Depression" I see it but she does not, she sees something else.

Her smile becomes even wider and she starts laughing. I feel tears roll down my cheek as if it was raining upon my face.

But wait, what is that? Is that a light I see? An exit? No, its just the sun burning into my eyes.
Then comes the drop.

I feel multiple kinds of emotions, the drop usually invokes that. The feeling of happiness, the feeling of sadness, the feeling of love, etc. etc.

But in my rollercoaster it lasts for hours.

"Please wake up"

What is that? A familiar voice?

"Goddammit Jacob, just wake up"

My rollercoaster gives out a large creak.

"Oh God please let him live."

My rollercoaster breaks down and I fall into the deep dark abyss of my mind.

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