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(Wolfie POV)

3 Months ago
Micah: Wolfie! Our Date went amazing! Samuel got me a necklace!
2 Months ago
Micah: Wolfie? Why aren't you answering my calls?
1 Month ago
Micah: I saw you in the hall earlier today. Why did you just leave? Are you mad at me? Did I do anything wrong?
Micah: Tomorrow's the Christmas party... I'm going with Samuel. I hope you'll be there. Atleast say hi.

Today was the Christmas party. And I wasn't planning on going. I suddenly get a phone call from Andy. I picked it up. "Wolfie! Where have you been?" He asked. "I've been here at home." I replied with a raspy voice. "I know that you're sad about Micah and stuff but you got to GET YOUR BUTT UP AND GET OVER HERE!" He shouted into the phone nearly making me deaf. "I NEED HELP WITH THE MUSIC, AND YOU'RE THE ONLY MUSICALLY TALENTED PERSON I KNOW!" He continued. "But-" I replied. "NO BUTTS, NOW DRESS UP, GRAB YOUR GUITAR AND GET OVER HERE!" He said ending the call.

I let out a small sigh. Well, looks like I really have to go.

(Micah POV)

The door to the gym opened and in came a figure I haven't seen for a while.
"Wolfie..." I muttered to myself.
He wore a his favourite hoodie with the usual blue jeans. His nose was red due to the weather outside,it sort of made him look like Rudolph.His hair was as messy as always and his vibrant grey eyes seemed to have lost its glow. He seemed lost. He brought his electric guitar with a lightning stripe engraved by the body of the instrument.He went on stage and started to pluck his strings and turn the awkward tension to a jamming session. He took a glance at me then quickly shifted his view away.

(Wolfie POV)

Just getting a glance of her caused my heart to hurt even more. She was beautiful. I sang my heart out. "Psst Wolfie, They're here!" Andy whispered to me. Well thats my signal. I finished my song, thanked the audience and left the stage.

As the band played, I went to the food table and got a drink. I sat by the table and watched the couples dance the night away. After all these months I realise I never stopped thinking about her. I'm disappointed at myself, I should've told her. I had so many chances, yet I didn't take them. Well, there's no point now. She's gone...
"Wolfie?" A voice asked. I looked up to see...


(Micah POV)

"Wolfie?" I asked. He looked up revealing his empty grey eyes and let out a sigh and said "Hey". Slow music started to play. He chuckled. He then put his drink down and stood up. He reached his hand out to me. "Would you care to dance?" He asked. I replied by grabbing his hand.
"Why were you in the corner drinking apple juice with sparkling water?I know it may look like champagne but you don't look cool while drinking that."
"Aw gosh darn it!" He replied with a smile. I let out a big laugh and returned my gaze upon his face.
" Wolfie... you don't know how much you made me worry, someone you see everyday suddenly vanishing...you don't know how hard it was,for all of us-"He attacked me with one of his hugs.
"I'm sorry Micah,for making you worry. For making everyone worry."
He whispered to me as continuing the long, warm hug we shared.

(Wolfie POV)

"I...really...missed...you" after she said this sentence I heard sniffles and soon tears slowly came down her face. They say no one looks pretty while crying, but she just proves them wrong every single time.

I gently wiped those tears away.

I gave her a smile and said
"Well, I'm here now."

We danced the night away and shared a few laughs just like before. I think now is no better time than ever to tell her. "Micah" I whispered. "Yes Wolfie?" She asked. "I've got to tell you something important." I answered. "What is it?" She replied. We stopped dancing and I looked straight into her beautiful amethyst eyes.

"I Love You"

(Micah POV)

Three words.Those three words.
Those three words caused our friendship to change.

"Wolfie...I'm sorry but I can't return the feeling.I'm with Samuel now and even though he may seem like a perverted prince that makes fun of every single thing I do,he's treated me so much better than Michael or anyone that I've liked,I-"
Before being able to say anything, Samuel came in and punched Wolfie

(Wolfie POV)

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" He shouted. Everything stopped. Everybody was staring. "I-I didn't mean to-" "YEAH YOU BETTER NOT" he interrupted. "NOW LEAVE! I DON'T EVER WANT TO SEE YOU WITH HER EVER AGAIN!" He shouted. I saw anger in his eyes. I didn't bother to reply anymore. I'm already heartbroken. Whats the point of hanging around anymore? Why did I even come here? I stood up took my guitar and left. I didn't bother looking back.

(Micah POV)

I watched Wolfie as he stormed out of the gym,I then I looked at Samuel and gave him a dejected look and came in for a hug and cried a river.

(Samuel POV)

After Wolfie left,Micah shot me with eyes of despair and came rushing into my arms for comfort.As she did,tears came trickling down from her eyes.
She was crying.

I carried her bridal style,making sure I wouldn't cause her harm and took her outside the gym to cool down.
I sat down on the bench with her on my lap.
Her clear amethyst eyes seemed clouded up,as though she was lost.
I wiped off those tears she was crying,squeezed her soft rosy cheeks making her look like a chipmunk (a very cute one) and placed a blizzard of kisses on her forehead.
She started giggling and her frown disappeared.
She placed her hand on my cheeks as to gently stroke it.
She stood up to kiss me on my nose,(out all the places she could have chosen,she chose my nose.That's what I love about her.She always does something unexpected.Opening my world to new horizons of possibilities.)
Just the thought of it made me smile like an idiot.
Man, I'm so damn lucky to have her.
I'm even luckier that I'm in love with her.

I whispered to her ear
"I love you."
And I truly meant it.

(Micah POV)

"I love you"
I've learnt that those three words can can lead to destruction;but at the same time,it can be a miracle.

"Samuel,I love you too."

(Wolfie POV)

I walked alone tonight. With one thing in my mind. It was the thought of regret. I felt heartbroken, I knew that she wouldn't love me back. She just sees me as a best friend. But now... She sees me as nothing.

I walked to the park and sat on a bench. I cried. I cried like i've never cried before. I then feel my phone ring from my pocket. I looked to see who was calling. It was Andy. I picked the call up.

"Wolfie, What happened?!" He asked.

I wiped my tears and answered. "N-Nothing man, I'm alright"

"It doesn't sound like nothing." He replied with a strong tone of denial.

"Its nothing! I'm alright. I'm just... Going to focus on some other things..." I replied. Then I ended the call.

The swimming competition, that can be my ticket to a  scholarship for a good School.
I'll just focus on that,to forget and bury my regret....and to stop thinking of her.

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