"The Princes" Arrival

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(Wolfie POV)

Its been weeks since Andy and Sam have officially been dating.

But before that,we meet two people that changed out friendship and bond completely upside down.

                                                                                             (Micah POV)

                                                                   -PILLOW TALK,MY ENEMY,MY ALLY-

Welp,there goes my alarm interrupting my beauty sleep.I slid down the covers of my bed and slowly made my way to the tub.

The only reason why i wake up so early is cause i take a really long time in the tub.The place where i play soothing music and gather my thoughts for the day.Today would be the day as I, The head of student leaders,introduce two of the most successful companies in the country's heirs to the school.Ms. Cleo (teacher in charge of student leaders) went on and on about this last meeting.

Luckily,Andy is gonna give me a hand with the introduction,as he too was a student leader.I stood up from my bath,finding a towel to cover my flesh and started picking the right outfit for today.After just two minutes of deciding, (yes it took me that long to find the perfect outfit) i went with my lavender mini dress with a leather jacket.I found my white converse shoes to match my outfit.

As soon as i finished changing i quickly brushed my teeth and packed granola bars for breakfast on the way to school."Mum I'll be heading to school now." i say as i give a kiss on my mum's cheek. "take care honey!" she replies back.I gave a hug to my younger brother and darted for the school bus to meet Wolfie.

                                                                                          (Wolfie POV)

As the bus arrives in front of the stop,I see Micah Dashing towards me.She finally caught up as we went in the bus.Even with her messy and out of the place hair,she looked mesmerising.I felt my heart beat faster as we took our seats.

"What's the special occasion?" I asked outta pure curiosity. "i have a date after school, that's why." she said as she fixed her hard. "WHAT?!" i exclaimed filled with shock, causing the whole bus to look at us.Micah put her hands over my mouth and apologised to everyone."YA DIMWIT,I WAS JUST KIDDING." she whispered furiously.

I felt a huge sense of relief ,like my shoulders were released of holding huge weights.She then went on

" two of the most successful company's future heirs are coming.That's why i have to be presentable."

"If ya call wearing a leather jacket presentable, yeah sure."

"Don't question my sense of style."

"I'm not ma'm, sorry for being a fashion police."

"Well kind sir, you must admit i look quite stunning"

"Are you kidding, you remind me of Barney."

"Hey this shade of purple is nothing like Barney's"

"I was just kidding.You look Beautiful."

I say as i tuck a strand of her wavy golden brown hair behind her ear.I don't want any other guys drooling over her.

                                                                                     (Andy POV)

the school bus arrived and two familiar figures came out.It was Micah And Wolfie.I waved them over to me. "Micah,Ms.Cleo is expecting us to be there right now so let's go." I say  tugging her arm lightly. "Well, we'll see you during lunch Wolfie"Micah said as we made our way to Ms.Cleo.

"OH MICHELLE THERE YOU ARE." said Ms Cleo with her Russian accent.

"Ms.Cleo for the billionth time it's Micah." explained Micah with a heavy sigh,I just stood behind Micah laughing to myself.

"AHHHHH ADAM YOU'RE HERE AS WELL." I hear Micah Giggling at the background.To make her stop, i gave her the death stare but it didn't seem to work.It did the total opposite.She was bawling on the floor.

"THE TWO PRINCES ARE COMING,COME ON GUYS CHOP CHOP."said Ms Cleo while clapping her hands.

I pulled Micah up and both of us stood by the entrance awaiting the so called "Princes" that are going to study here soon.

Soon two limousines pulled up to the pavement in front of our school.One was Shiny White and one was Jet Black.Two tall figures appeared from the limousine.They were wearing sunglasses, making them seem much more cool.I had to admit for a straight guy, they look pretty dashing.

As the walked up to us,Girls from our school started gossiping, some even took photos and no surprise, some fainted.

i looked over to Micah expecting her to be drooling over them but instead she was indulged in her math homework. I guess she didn't do her math homework.Noticing that the two "princes" were coming I nudged her, causing her to drop her math homework in front of the "princes".

Upon close inspection, One of them was wearing a white suit. (EVERYTHING WAS WHITE,EVEN HIS SHOES) The other was wearing a black suit .(ONCE AGAIN EVERYTHING) THEY'RE LIKE TWO POLAR OPPOSITES but of course both handsome.

"The Prince in White" picked up Micah's workbook while "The Prince in Black" picked up Micah's Favourite lime scented pen.

Two wide smirks appeared on their faces

                                                                    To Be Continued

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