The Stars Aligned

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(Kai POV)

Yesterday was amazing. Camp started, I met my old camp buddy and I met the most and by most I mean MOST beautiful girl in the world. "Yo Kai, you comin?" Jacob asked. "W-wait what?" I asked. Shoot. I was thinking about her again.

(Wolfie/Jacob POV)

What is going on with that dude. Ever since he met Micah his brain stopped working. I can't blame him though, She is kinda cute. WAIT,WHAT?!..."Jacob, Kai lets go we're almost there!" The counselor shouted. "Yeah we're comin! C'mon Kai!".

(Micah POV)

"Gather round troopers." I heard my counselor shout. a circle formed and exchanged looks appeared."The people you see are going to be stuck with you for the next 3 days, so you better get to know em." She simply explained. We shook hands and introduced ourselves to each other.
"The names Ronald."
"I'm Jessica"
"They call me Bob"
"I'm Sania"
"Mah name is Jeff"
It went on and on until I met the last person on my team....
"Hi,i'm Keith".

(Andy POV)


(Wolfie/Jacob POV)

The hike was long and tiring, It also took an hour to go back to camp. As we returned the sun went down and the night welcomed us with open arms. "Yo Wolfie, Can I talk to you for a lil' bit?" Kai asked "Yeah sure!" I gladly replied. "Uhhh, Its about Micah." He said in a embarrassed tone. "What about her?" I questioned with an eyebrow raised. "Uhh, Are you two by any chance.... Dating?" He asked. My face turned red then I chuckled nervously."Wait What? Pshhtttt no way man. We're just friends.Who would want to date a girl who eat more than you?" I replied in a flustered tone. "Phew, K thanks." Kai replied. "Why do you ask?" Curiosity struck me as I went on with the question."Uhh, Nothin" Kai answered while fidgeting with the collar on his shirt. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you... Tonight is the Bonfire Dance" Reminded Kai.

Shoot, The Bonfire Dance. If you don't know what 'The Bonfire Dance' is, Its an event when teenage hormones begin to go out of control. "Cool." I replied as calm as I can. "Ok dude, See you later!" Kai replied back. Well I better get ready for it.

(Andy POV)

The Bonfire Dance was about to start but... Still no sign of Sam

(Micah POV)

The Bonfire Dance.
Basically A humongous Bonfire, jazzy music and make out sessions for couples. Couples disgust me.
(note that I've ignored the fact that I just recently got dumped)
Anyways, the thing about the bonfire dance is crazy.The counsellors gave each student a ribbon. Each ribbon has two of a kind, so you have to go on a wild goose chase to find your partner. The counsellor handed me a cornsilk coloured sash and I proceeded to find my dance partner.
(God bless him cause boy do I know that I myself, suck at dancing).

I walk around to find the matching sash but my partner could not be found. I walk around more to find him but instead of finding the matching sash I find a familiar face. "Wolfie?" I asked. "Sup." He replied with a smile. "W-Where's your partner?" I asked. "Over there" He replied pointing towards a girl who was dancing with a coloured sash different from hers... A cornsilk sash. As I looked to whom the cornsilk sash belonged to, My heart broke. The man with the matching cornsilk sash was Kai. As I try to run away with tears Wolfie grabbed me by the arm, giving me a hug. "I know you liked him, and that you thought he could fix your problem with Michael. But Kai... Kai never sticks with one girl." Wolfie whispered.

(Wolfie/Jacob POV)

As I held her in my arms, I felt hot tears fall onto my shirt. She was crying... "Lets get out of here." I whispered. "I-I can't walk" She replied with a sniffle. "Well then, I'll carry you out of here." I whispered as I pointed to my back. Her reply was a mere sniffle and a jump onto my back. My heart skipped a beat. When did I start liking her you ask? Was it when Andy said I did? Was it when we were studying together? Or was it when we played video games together? Well... It started  a long time ago but I just kept on denying my feelings,until just a moment ago I realised what they truly are.


It was before the Bonfire Dance and my counsellor gave me a Tiffany blue sash. Instead of trying to find my partner I went down to the beach and sat down on the warm sand. I looked up and looked at the stars. The stars were beautiful... They reminded me of... Micah. They reminded me on how amazing she is. Her laugh, Her smile... Everything about her. I then came to realise my true feelings for her....

I was in love

-End of Flashback-

As I carried her along the beach, She slowly fell asleep. I was walking back to bring her to her tent, I then looked up and stared at the twinkling stars above my head once again,

The stars seemed to be ... aligned tonight.

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