1 - Understand

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(And we shall begin! Do not start the song yet.)

"Chara. Please. Don't leave me... I...I don't know what I would do without you..." Asriel whispered. Chara was struggling to keep her hazel eyes open. She was a deathly pale, and her lips were quivering.

"A-asi... I... I won't... Ever... Leave you..." Chara muttered quietly. She was shaking, and gripping the sheets harder with every word. Tears dropped from the side of her face.

Tears were also escaping Asriel's eyes as he clutched Chara's pale hand.

"Asriel.." Chara started to say. She took a small envelope from her pocket and slowly handed it to  a crying Asriel. She gave him a weak smile. But then...

She closed her eyes. And her chest stopped rising.

"No... No, no, Chara! Wake up!" Asriel sobbed.

"Chara! This isn't funny anymore! W-wake up...!
C-Chara!" Asriel cried, shaking the lifeless body of the child.

Asriel looked down in pain, still clenching Chara's limp hand. He was gritting his teeth, and an overflow of tears were pouring from his eyes.

"Ch-Chara..." He whispered.

He shakily opened the envelope.

A large word was at the back. Asriel.

He opened the envelope gently. A paper was inside, decorated in Chara's neat hand writing. Asriel started to read, the tears non stop.

My dearest Asriel,

You are my best friend. I'm not going to say 'were', because you still are. Asriel... I have one request to ask of you. When I die...  Please bring me to the surface... And take me to see the stars. I love you Asriel. You will forever be my brother.

Your beloved sister,

Asriel clenched the letter in his hand. His heart was heavy, and he was blinded with sorrow.

And rage.

He closed his eyes tightly. And when he opened them, his eyes weren't a soft violet anymore. It was a menancing black.

He stood up. Placed his hands on top of Chara's body. And started to absorb her soul.

A pale pink magic aura srarted to lift from Chara's chest, rising into Asriel's own. A pale pink heart slowly started to rise; and collided with Asriel's soul. It turned into a colour of a rainbow, shining brightly as ever.

The power enfilled him quickly, building him large horns and enormous spiked wings, the galactic presence resting inside them.

He was lifted in the air, and when the glowing stopped, he was laid gently on the ground.

He increased in height, and his robe grew longer.

His cheeks were dried with tears, and his eyes were dark and lifeless. He looked sorrowful, but there was a frown on his face. He looked so full of rage.

His horns and wings dissapeared, turning him back to normal, his child like inoccent form.

He slowly exited the room without a word. He felt the power swirl inside of him.

Tyrant Tale (Asriel x Frisk//Undertale AU) Where stories live. Discover now