36 - Tears

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A/N before this chapter starts:

Ay. I've upgraded in life! Finally! Whoot. So I reread the first few chaps of TyrantTale.... And dammit, I want to strangle my younger self i s2g. There are so many things I want to change but it's too late ;-; My writing style was so damn ugly, it was incredibly redundant and there were cringe worthy moments EVERYWHERE. *sigh* But hey, I hope I can improve now that I'm a year older, lol. And I recently nailed a second place in our school's essay writing contest, and waste  beaten by a higher level. Fml. T^T)

"So Frisk. Tell me. What are humans like now?" He asked. His eyes were staring into the distance, and his voice had a layer of disgust. And maybe a bit of apathy.

Frisk sighed. "Humans aren't any different. There are the good ones, there are the bad ones... There are also the ones who were stuck in the middle. Who're confused... And lost." She told him.

Asriel frowned. "There are also the ones who have driven themselves farther away from sanity. Ones who have lost control of themselves, even the ability to think. There are ones who have been so devastated that they let the beast inside them take control." Frisk told him.

Her words made Asriel think. Was that what he was? Driven to insanity?

He lost himself a long time ago. He knew that. He never felt true happiness, despite every pile of dust that he caused. He knew that this wasn't him. There was something else that was doing this, he just didn't know what it was.

"Driven themselves to insanity..." He murmured.

Frisk was confused. "Huh? Did you say something?" She asked. Only she would have the bravery to talk to him like that, and surprisingly Asriel didn't mind.

"You said there are ones who lost themselves because of devastation... How?" He asked her. There were times where the curious side of him showed, but he was oblivious to that.

"Grief. It all starts from grief or regret. That pain... It's so incredibly heavy, that most people can't handle it. They lose themselves. It's really hard... Losing a person you love. Some get over it pretty quickly while others just... It can take years for them to finally accept it."

'It can take years for them to finally accept it.'

'Years for them to accept it.'


That thought lingered in his mind, comparing himself to Frisk's words. He looked down and stopped walking.

"People don't understand... They don't understand what I had to go through. I was there with her in her last moments. I was the one with her, when she could've been with her family up in the surface. I could have done ANYTHING to prevent it, and yet I didn't. I was an idiot. A coward. If it wasn't for me, she would still be alive by now..." He said brokenly.

Frisk was shocked. Who was the 'she' that Asriel was referring to? What happened that made her die? How come she had never reached the surface? Did Asriel blame himself for her death? If so, WHY?

There were a million questions in her mind, but there was one that stood out most.

Was Asriel about to cry for a second there?

Frisk couldn't believe it. She didn't believe it. She thought it was a fragment of her imagination. It was impossible. And yet, she mustered up all the energy she had. She was about to try the bravest thing a human has ever done in the history of Asriel's ruling. She hoped that she wouldn't get stabbed this time. She sucked in a nervous breath.

She raised her arm, and gently pat Asriel on the back.

Asriel's widened. What was this feeling? It was foreign to him. Something that he had never felt before. A feeling of... Warmth. It spread through his whole being, when suddenly it stopped. His eyes gleamed a faint red. He snarled and slapped Frisk's hand away, making her flinch. She took back her hand and stopped. She stared at him sadly.

"You're all the same. Each and every one of you. You manipulate other people's feelings and then you leave them to deal with your business alone. You humans disgust me." He spat.

With those final words, he stormed off back in the castle.

But what Frisk didn't see was the lone tear that ran down his right cheek.

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