47 - Mistaken

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For a long time it was quiet.

For a long time, Asriel looked at Frisk with underwhelming surprise.


His voice had a tint of remorse into it, for the first time, hearing him say her name made her feel a little bit hopeful. It was soft and warm, almost like a small child was saying it.

But then, the sudden darkness that surrounded him contradicted this.

"Where did you learn this..?"

"STOP THAT!" Frisk yelled. "D-Don't give me those threats, I have the right to know what's going on here!" She said.

Asriel's eyes narrowed. "You don't. Since when did you have the right to know anything? And why do you care?" He spat.

"Why do you care how I got here? Is it because if your curiosity? I get it, humans are damn curious. But that doesn't give you the right to go around poking your nose where it doesn't belong. I could've killed you the very moment I first saw you. But I didn't. There were so many times where I could have killed you, and I wanted to." He hissed.

Frisk was in shock. She wasn't expecting this. What was he trying to say?

"Yes, my father died." He paused for a while, before continuing.

"And yes, it was by my hand."

Frisk slowly looked down. Deep inside she knew that she wasn't tricked or lied to. She knew that it was true, deep down.

She just didn't want to believe it.

"What if I told you that... I didn't want to do it..?" He said quietly.

"Would your perspective of me change then? Would I not be the demon that I was now? Would I not be feared anymore?" He asked her.

Frisk's eyes slowly widened.


She raised her head as she stood up, backing away from him a little. "Wh-What are you talking about?" She asked, shivering a little from the atmosphere.

He began to shake.

"No... no one would ever believe me. Nothing would change. Nobody would believe me. I wouldn't even believe myself when I say that..."

He paused.

"That I didn't want to do it. That it wasn't my choice." He pursed his lips. "That everytime I sliced a monster to pieces, I would feel remorse. That I still had SOME emotion left. That... that I was still alive and breathing."

Stop it. What are you doing?

"That sometimes, the feeling of remorse was getting too much to handle, I would... I would try to just end it?"

...you're ending this little game, aren't you?

Frisk was a little shaken. What was going on? Was he apologizing? Was he going insane?

A thought appeared in Frisk's head.

"He simply picked up her body, and carried it to the surface. A few hours later he had returned, but he wasn't looking like himself. He had absorbed the human's soul, and he looked terrifying. I was a servant, so I merely had to watch in the sidelines before rushing back to my quarters. Then suddenly, news spread that the king had died."

Frisk came to a sudden realization.

What if... he didn't absorb the human soul?

What if...

The human soul absorbed him?

Frisk gasped.

It wasn't Asriel doing all the killing.

It wasn't Asriel that punished the Underground.

It wasn't Asriel who destroyed all the monster's hopes and dreams.

It was Chara.

"I-I don't know what to do anymore, Frisk. I just want to make it stop." He pleaded, his voice cracking as he dropped to his knees. Tears ran down his cheeks, and he quickly wiped them away.

Frisk, however stayed glued to where she was. It wasn't the fact that he was apologizing that made her feel uncomfortable, but at the sight of his eyes.

His eye colors were switching. Almost... like it was glitching. There was a flash of his normal eye color, black. Then suddenly, blood red. The red would only flash for second.

He was fighting her.

But there was also one color she didn't recognize.

Soft violet.

It lingered a little bit, before dissapearing into red again.

"F-frisk you have to help me. I-I don't think I can hold her back again--"

Suddenly, the room became pitch black.

Frisk gasped, looking around, expecting to see something. But every direction she turned, there was always a cold, uninviting darkness that waited.

She felt like she was suffocating. Like she wasn't in Asriel's room anymore. Or in the underground.

Like she was somewhere far, far worse.


Hello, Risen Angel.

W e l c o m e  T o 
M y  S p e c i a l  H e l l.

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