43 - Thank You

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"The entire underground had their speculations on what happened to King Asgore. It was only then where Asriel started ruling by his own hand, which confirmed our suspicions." Shyren says.

Frisk finally understood.

Asriel had murdered his own father to be king.

'Wow. Okay. Deep breaths. How do I process this information?' She thought.



Her forehead crumpled up in anger.

"Anyways, there was a legend that someone would come to save us from despair. Someone who's kind enough, pure and gentle enough to save him. They call them The Risen Angel. Mostly because after a long time that hope has died out, The Risen Angel will bring it to rise back with them." She said with a small smile on her face. Frisk continued to listen intently.

"Monsters started believing in this legend, which we could hardly call true. But we were desperate to get out of his clutches, that we would almost believe anything. Although some had misenterpreted the meaning of the Legend. The Risen Angel was supposed to save EVERYONE, and that was including King Asriel himself. That was when the Underground started havoc."

"They rioted, arguing and debating back and forth about the Risen Angel. They thought they would save them, and kill Asriel in exchange for the lives of their loved ones. But most contradict that, and they say that The Risen Angel would bring peace and order, and not one more death or destruction was ever going to occur. We tried our hardest to keep the legend to ourselves and our mouths shut. Because we knew that if Asriel had found out about you, he would portray you as some threat and have you killed as soon as you dropped down here without even knowing who you really are. Luckily, we succeeded. King Asriel has no clue of the legend. And besides... from what I'n seeing and hearing...you seem.... pascifist about your choices right now...." She whispered.

"Frisk... what are your plans...?" She asked.

Frisk stopped. She didn't have a plan. But she had one thought in mind.

She vowed to step out of the underground without harming a single soul, even if her life depended on it. Asriel was included there. She would never do anything like that.

And besides, the King had already abused her enough and it wasn't like she could fight back. She could hardly even talk to him, let alone kill him.

"I...I don't plan on hurting him... or anybody....I just want to change his mind and his ways... then maybe.... peace would be achieved." Frisk said with a kind smile.

Shyren stopped for a minute. This human... was too kind for her own good. She gave her a small smile. "You're...much nicer than I thought, Angel. I knew you weren't what they said you were." She said softly, looking down as tears brimmed in her eyes.

Without another word, Frisk wrapped her frail arms around Shyren. "It's gonna be okay, I promise. I'll try my best." She whispered.

And with that, Shyren was crying on her shoulder, murmuring the same words over and over.

"Thank you.... thank you so much."

Tyrant Tale (Asriel x Frisk//Undertale AU) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora