31 - Haunted

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Frisk shakily stood up, her shoes squeaking as it dragged on the floor. To her uttermost surprise, she yelped when a servant immediately came to aid her, guiding her to stand up.

"Y-You... You're helping me...?" She said in a hoarse voice. The servant merely nodded. It was a monster, particularly a cat. Her face was emotionless as she helped Frisk and held her as she walked.

Frisk was still in a state of confusion and shock. She was paralyzed. Was somebody actually helping her? Was she just imagining it?

She was not used to such care. The last gentle hug she received was from Undyne. The servant held her with much care, and they reached the hall. She aided Frisk into a spare room.

Frisk sat on the surprisingly comfortable bed. She felt it's linen cloth, and the fluffy pillow.

The room was beautiful, but old. It had small particles of dust here and there. She suspected that King Asriel did not have visitors that often.

The servant sat in front of Frisk. She started applying medicines and creams to Frisk's wounds. She winced at most parts.

She took up the courage to ask her.

"Why are you helping me...?" She whispered.

The servant froze, her paws hovering over Frisk's arm. Frisk could see her breath hitch in her throat.

". . . .I was ordered to." She simply said. Her voice was slightly high pitched. Frisk imagined that she was enthusiastic and energetic before. But now, after everything that happened...

"Wh-what's your name?" Frisk asked softly.

The servant stopped. Nobody has ever asked her that before. Her black hair fell gently on her face. The light hit her purple fur, and she sighed.

". . . . . . My name is Catty." She said lowly.

Frisk grinned slightly, happy that Catty was warming up to her.

"Okay, Catty. My name is--"

Before Frisk could finish her sentence, Catty interrupted her.

"Frisk. I know. The whole underground has heard of you. They call you The Risen Angel..."

Catty paused her bandaging. ". . . . They think you're the one that will save us all. Either trick Asriel, or kill him yourself. Your choice. I loathe him." She hissed slightly.

"I-I had a friend once. Her name was Bratty. She was my best friend. We would argue over the smallest things, explore everything together, have fun together. But all of that ended when two guards came marching to our door in Hotland..." She clenched her teeth, probably remembering the memories.

"They had two monsters behind them, I could recognize them from Snowdin and Waterfall. At that moment, I knew exactly what was happening. I tried to stop them, i really tried. But I was too late. And in the end... Bratty... She..."

Catty trailed off as she clenched her teeth. "No. What am I doing? I shouldn't be telling you this. I... I have to go. You need to rest. Don't touch your bandages that much." Catty said.

Before Frisk could utter another word, Catty was out the door.

Frisk, with wide eyes, laid on the bed.

She closed her eyes and tried to sleep, but all the haunting memories kept her awake.

Tyrant Tale (Asriel x Frisk//Undertale AU) Where stories live. Discover now