33 - My Way

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Frisk slowly poked at her food. She didn't really have an appetite, and she was tired as well. But she decided to give it a try, and she lifted the spoon to her lips.

Her expression shifted into delight, and she thought it was delicious. She hasn't eaten a meal like this in forever, and she was honestly surprised that it would come from Asriel. Well, sort of.

She looked at Asriel and saw that he was eating his meal casually, as if nothing ever happened.

She stared at his features. He was equally handsome, although looking powerful and scary at the same time. His eyes held such darkness that could send a person to tears if he glared at them. The horns above his head were large and towering, showing that he was the king. He didn't need a crown, one look at him and you could tell that he was royalty.

"So, human." Asriel suddenly spoke breaking the uncomfortable silence. Frisk snapped out of her gaze and looked at him.

Asriel raised an eyebrow at her sudden jolt. "What exactly is your plan?" He chuckled mockingly.

"Wh-What do you mean?" Frisk's frail voice replied.

"How are you planning to get out of here alive? Most humans don't even live to see another day once they drop down here." He said. His voice was deep and layered with strictness.

Frisk was already starting to make a plan, but there was no way in hell she would tell him.

"I..." She paused for a moment, searching for the right words to say. "I don't really know." She said.

Asriel laughed. "You don't have a plan? Then what's the point of--"

He suddenly stopped as a memory flooded his mind.


"Asriel! C'mon, let's go to Hotland!" Chara's cheerful voice interrupted Asriel's thoughts.

"B-But Chara, there are too many lasers and puzzles there! I don't wanna have to call mom like last time!" He protested.

Chara rolled her eyes. "Oh you. We can solve them! And lasers are easy to dodge." She said.

"What're we gonna do when we get there? Do we call the royal scientist for help or..." He asked.

"Oh, I dunno. Maybe? Let's just nail it!"

"YOU DON'T HAVE A PLAN?" He yelled in disbelief.

"Nope! C'mon, let's do this the daring way. Or, in other words, my way." She chuckled and ran off.

Asriel had no choice but to follow her, laughing as well.


He snapped out of his trance and noticed that Frisk was staring at him like she was waiting for a response.

"Wh-What?" He asked. His stutter surprised both him and Frisk.

"I said, I'm planning to do this through my own idea... And hopefully succeed. I'm sure I can change you Asriel, even if I have a plan or not. I'm determined, and that's good enough for me."

Tyrant Tale (Asriel x Frisk//Undertale AU) Where stories live. Discover now