26 - Crest

367 17 12

Undyne sighed in relief as she enveloped Frisk into a tight hug. Frisk, however, did not hug back. Instead she pursed her lips and closed her eyes shut.

She had to mentally prepare herself for what's about to happen. She had to try and endure it. I mean, she was about to sleep in the same palace with an insane tyrant.

And when she gets to the surface, who would believe her of the ridiculous tale that she was about to tell?

Speaking of the surface... What would she do if she makes it out alive? Would she even be succesful in saving Asriel and setting everybody free?

Did she have a plan? No. Does she know how to save him? Double no.

Was she terrified? Incredibly.

So how will she do this? She thought that she would just let fate decide. She fumbled with the zipper of her jacket as she thought deeply.

Undyne pulled away, and she smiled.

"Thank you, Frisk... I promise you. This won't last long. You can do it, and it won't last as long as three days usually do. Just stay determined." She assured.

Frisk nodded, but her eyes remained emotionless. She was looking down with a frown etched on her face.

Suddenly, two guards walked into the room. They hauled Undyne away, leaving Frisk alone in the room. Was she ready for this? Absolutely not.

She took a deep breath as she tried to calm herself. She stepped outside of the cold and dark room, and entered the hallway. She looked around at the hallway. It was beautifully decorated, for a Tyrant's home.

The light was gently hitting the tall beams that surrounded the sides of the room. The kingdom's crest was encrusted on the windows. This would be one long and agonizing experience...

Frisk sighed. It's time to find out.

Tyrant Tale (Asriel x Frisk//Undertale AU) Where stories live. Discover now