45 - Yearn

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Utter shock appeared on Shyren's face.

It really was her. Frisk was the Risen Angel. She was right. The true Risen Angel would be a pacifist, and would never hurt anybody under no circumstance.

She slowly smiled. "I knew you wouldn't. Frisk... thank you. We're counting on you, alright Frisk? Please... try to... try to stay alive." She looked down.

"Right now.. you're our only hope."

Frisk nodded. "I promise." She said.

Everytime she made a promise... the only thing she longed to see was the smile on that person's face. It set a warm feeling in her heart, knowing that she made at least one good difference to Shyren's day.

"Thank you... thank you so much, Frisk." She smiled, and then left the room. But this time, she had hope. She had confidence. She had the familiar feeling of belief inside her soul. The willingness to hold on to something. Something that you know will set you free one day.

And that's what she was clinging on to.

Frisk smiled at Shyren's retreating figure.

But then she sighed, closing her eyes. Making all these promises she wasn't sure she could keep. How foolish.

She exited the room, walking out the kitchen doors and into the hallway.

Light reflected from the windows of the room, and onto the marble floor.

Frisk looked at it longingly. She missed the sun. She would sometimes yearn to feel it's warm touch on her skin again.

But it would take a while till that would happen again.

She decided to exit the room, in search for Asriel. She had hundreds of questions flooding her mind.

And she demanded answers.


This was probably the shortest, crappiest chapter I have ever written. And I'm such a terrible person for that, considering how I didn't update for A MONTH.


And usually, my updating schedule is on Sundays.

Oh my god. Alright, shit I'm SO freaking sorry guys. I... kinda lost my inspiration for writing during those times. My mind was just clouded... schoolwork was piling up...

And I mostly just procrastinated. I hated myself for that. Life's been a little rough on me, I've been trying my hardest to at least pull my grades up a notch but it only feels like I'm doing the opposite.

So... yeah. I'm so sorry. You all give me these votes and reads... and I give you back a shitty chapter.

I'm the worst author ever, goddamit.

well.. see you on the next chap, I guess. I promise it won't be as crappy as this one is.

Love all of you.


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