11 - Run

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(Don't start the music yet.)

Frisk wandered around, until she got into a bridge like area. Lots of horizontal bridges were lined everywhere. She frowned, hoping she wouldn't get lost.

She kept walking forwards, until she saw a small lonely echo flower on the distance. She ran to it, eagerly waiting for it's response.

"Behind... You...." It whispered weakly.

Frisk's eyes widened in fear as she slowly turned around. She gasped.

There was the armored monster, looking furious.


A bit...


(Start the music!)

Frisk shook her head and ran away fearing for her life. She could hear the heavy metal footsteps running after her.

Frisk panted as she ran. Dozens of energy spears passed her by an inch, The spears exploding on the ground below. She gasped in fear, but continued. She kept running, her legs tiring with every step she took.

She turned and spun to dodge every spear, the heat of each one radiating just inches from her skin.

Suddenly, a spear grazed her shoulder. She cried in pain, but continued running, fearing for her life. Frisk turned every corner and dodged every spear.

She tripped on a rock, but quickly scrambled to her feet, scraping her knee in the process. She winced in pain, but quickly sucked it up and ran again. The blood from her wound was trickling down her leg.

She was losing air as her breaths started becoming ragged. She started to sweat.

Suddenly, to her absoloute horror, the bridges slowed to a stop.

A dead end.

"No!" Frisk cried, turning around in fear.

The armored monster was right there, it's eyes staring into hers. It produced a long, blue energy spear. Frisk gulped. She turned pale and cold all over, Fear completely grasping her body.

(Stahp the music now)

The monster raised her spear... And slashed it on the bridge that Frisk was standing on. The bridge wobbled and fell to the dark depths below. Frisk screamed, her hair flying around her face as she fell.

Was this the end?

Tyrant Tale (Asriel x Frisk//Undertale AU) Where stories live. Discover now