46 - Please, Tell Me!

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(Chapter title tho. OSHIETE OSHIETE YO SONO SHIKUMI WO. if anyone gets that reference. I love you. And yes. I know. 2016 ends and I didn't update. I'M SO SORRY. pls forgive me i hope this makes up for it hNNN. Happy New Year tho. 🎉🎉)

"Asriel!" Her voice echoed through the hallways. "Asriel!"

She ran through the marble floors, as the light from the windows shone on her face, a glint of determination wad present in her eyes. Her shoes clacked against the floor. A distressed expression was present in her features. A servant passed by, and from the corner of her eye, she saw that the servant took notice of her. She quickly skidded to a stop, ran back towards the servant, and stood in front of him.

"H-Hey! Hold on for a second..." She said, trying to catch her breath. "C-can I please ask where Asriel is...?"

The servant, who looked like a muscular... seahorse? Frisk didn't have time to question it. He looked a little surprised, and slightly fearful with a mix of confusion.

"Oh...you mean the King, yes? You know, you should not address him that casually, human. He might--"

"Please, JUST TELL ME WHERE HE IS." Exasperated, Frisk raised her voice, but immediately regretted it afterwards. "S-sorry for yelling! I-I I swear I didn't mean to!" She quickly apologized.

"Oh... Oh no, it's fine. Um... If you're looking for the King, he's in his quarters. Take two lefts, then a right." He instructed. (A/N: I can see ya'll dirty ass gears spinning. Stop that.)

Frisk gave him a genuine smile. "Thank you!" She said, and then ran off, leaving the confused servant alone.

Frisk ran. She kept running. Nothing was going to stop her from this.

'Don't stop. Keep going. You have to find out everything that happened!' She told herself.

Her mind was clouded. Everything was a blur. The room began to spin.

Wait, was it two lefts or one? Was there even a left?

Frisk looked around, then ran towards the left corridor. Trust your instinct.

Another left corridor.

Then... right.

Frisk turned the corner, then halted to a stop. Her eyes widened at the door in front of her. Hardened gold lined the sharp edges of the door, large spikes and silver shards were all etched onto the top of the door way. Even his door could kill a person if they were slammed on it.

Slowly, she approached it. Already feeling very intimidated, she gently knocked three times.

"Asriel..." Frisk called out.

A grumble could be heard, then angry footsteps.

"Who even dares to--" Asriel began, opening the door. His face had a hard glare on it, but immediately melted when he saw Frisk. "Human. What do you think you're doing here?" He asked her, his eyes narrowing.

Frisk's head hung low. "Asriel... I need to know."

Asriel's eyes darkened. "What do you--"

"Tell me you didn't do it." She whispered. "Tell me you wouldn't kill your own father just to become king." Frisk said, lifting her head. Her eyes were filled with tears, and for some strange reason this made Asriel's walls drop down completely. Just seeing her crying face was almost too much. But he didn't answer.

He didn't want to know where Frisk had learned about this. Any other time, and he'd just have this source of hers killed.

Frisk took a step forward. "You wouldn't, right Asriel?" She said, wiping away a stray tear that had fallen. "Please. I- I don't want to believe it. I- I know you have a lot of dust on yor hands. But you wouldn't kill your own father, right? Tell me I was lied to. Please, Asriel!" She cried, running towards him and shaking
him numerous times. "YOU WOULDN'T DO THAT ASRIEL!"

In the end, she slowly dropped to the ground at Asriel's feet. "You wouldn't..." She whispered hoarsely.


"Why would you.."

"How could you?"

Tyrant Tale (Asriel x Frisk//Undertale AU) Where stories live. Discover now